VSA – Chapter 27: The Villain and the Devilish Little Sister?

Translator: Haruto.

I’m cute.

Whenever I walk by, I always hear the same “How cute…” from most guys as their eyes follow me around.

I’m popular.

Countless guys have asked me out and every time I go for a stroll around town, I’m approached by model scouts.

I just wish I was popular because I’m cute, and nothing else…

When we were in middle school, my sister, who was assigned to another class, was loved and admired by all the boys and girls of our school because of her kindness, good looks, and refined demeanor.

On the other hand, I… was the class outcast.

“I heard Rina-chan turned down another guy!”

“Huh?! I thought she was the kind of chick that’d let you do her if you just asked!”

“Man, I can’t believe she just keeps shooting down dudes left and right… At this point, she’s just asking for it… if you know what I mean, haha!”

“Ugh, look, it’s that girl… She looks like a total slut…”

“The boys fawn over her like crazy, but I wonder if she’s got any idea how much the other girls hate her.”

“I don’t care how cute she is, I’d never wanna be like her! Haha!”

Breasts that would stand out from under my uniform, plump tights, and a butt that was slightly bigger than average… My body had developed a bit too much for a middle schooler, and everyone thought I looked like an easy girl…

I’m not popular because I’m cute.

People just enjoy judging me by my appearance and treating me as if I were some used-up doll.


“Yuito! Hey, Yuito!”

“Hmm… Hm… Hehe…”

Nope. He just won’t wake up.

We’ve stopped at a rest area to take a little breather, which is why I’m trying to wake up my seat partner by shaking his shoulders slightly. However, I don’t know if it’s because he’s having a nice dream or something, but it doesn’t seem like he’ll be opening his eyes any time soon.

Out of choices, I decide to step out of the bus by myself and try to relax the best I can.

Fwaah… Sometimes I feel like taking a nap makes you even sleepier. I could go for some coffee right now…”

I’ll also buy something for Yuito while I’m at it. I believe he told me he can’t drink coffee because of how bitter it is, so I’ll just get him some milk tea.

We departed pretty early in the morning so the store inside the rest area isn’t open yet. That’s why I head over to a vending machine to buy our drinks, but everyone else seemed to have had the same idea since there’s already a line of students in front of it.  

Waiting in line would be a total pain in the butt. I guess I’ll just try to find another vending machine elsewhere.

“Let’s walk a bit more and see what I find.”

I walk and walk, distancing myself from the first vending machine.

“Oh! There’s one!”

I ended up having to reach the edge of the rest area. I pull 500 yen out of my wallet, and then—

“I saw how you were looking at my boyfriend!!”

“Huh?! W-What’s going on…?” I’m startled by a sudden shout.

I think it came from the other side of the building’s corner. I put my wallet back in my pocket and try to take a little peek…

“I wasn’t looking at him.”

“Then why the hell did he ask you out even though he already had me?!”

“Maybe you should ask him, not me.”

There’s Rina, and the one yelling at her is a girl I haven’t seen in our classroom so she must be from another class. It looks like they’ve gotten into quite a heated argument.

“You really piss me off!! It’s like you’re always looking down on everyone around you!”

“I’m actually listening to what you have to say, instead of outright ignoring you, and I even agreed to come with you when you said you had something to discuss.”

“Shut up! I don’t want to hear it! What matters here is that my boyfriend broke up with me because he wants to go out with you!! And I’m damn sure it’s because you made a pass on him!!”

That girl’s fuming, huh… From their conversation alone, many people would be inclined to think that Rina did in fact make a move on her boyfriend.

And, in contrast, Rina is completely calm, as though she’s used to it.

More importantly, though, should I intervene? What if the other girl gets carried away by her emotions and hits Rina? Wait, no, there’s also a chance that the intervention of a complete stranger like me could actually rile her up even more…

I decide to stop peeking on them for the time being so I start moving away slowly, until…


“Ah, crap!”

I hit something hard with my foot as I was trying to walk away. What the heck is a freaking rock doing here?! And what’s worse, it happened right when they’d both quieted down so they totally heard it!

“W-Who’s there?!! Ah…!”

Well, shoot, now they know I’m here.

When the other girl lays eyes on me, she grimaces in fear. Sorry, I know how scary I can be.


A moment later, her expression turns into a scowl and she walks past me. I then make eye contact with Rina, who was still looking at the other girl from behind.


“No wa—”

I was about to deny it, but the truth is that I was eavesdropping on their conversation, so yeah, my bad.

Not knowing what to say, I head over to the vending machine, insert a 500-yen coin, buy two drinks, and get 180 yen back…

And before I even notice it, Rina has moved closer to me.

“…I’ve got some money left. Do you want something to drink, Rina-san?”

“Is this your way of trying to cheer me up?”

“You could say that.”

After remaining silent for a few seconds, Rina says, “I guess I’ll take you up on that offer.”

I put 160 yen into the machine, which is enough to buy anything except an energy drink.

I throw a peek at Rina, but her usual cheerfulness is nowhere to be found. She’s just standing there absentmindedly.

Instead of clumsily trying to cheer her up, I think giving her some space would be best right now.

“You can choose whatever you want. I’ll see you later.”

I decide to leave first and return to the bus.

Two hours after we left school, we arrive at a lodging facility in the middle of the mountains. This is where the school camp will take place.

We leave our bags in the rooms that were assigned to us beforehand, put our tracksuits on, and return outside.

The first activity of the school camp will be going for a hike. And once the teachers have given us a few guidelines, we put on the hiking shoes that the lodging facility lent us.

It seems we’ll have to stay close to our respective groups during the hike, which means that Yuito, Mahiro, Rina, and I will have to stay together.

“Ohh! Mahiro-chan, you got a new camera?!”

“Yup, I got it especially for the school camp. The image quality is top-notch!”

“Cool! You’ll be able to take lots of pictures of this beautiful scenery!”

“Yeah, totally… Hehe…” I can guess what she’s planning to capture with that new camera.

I then turn to Rina who’s still tying her shoes.

“Thanks for earlier…”

“Huh? D-Don’t mention it…” I didn’t expect her to thank me.

“But I don’t want you to pity me or worry about me.”


“You of all people should know how I feel… how it feels to be misjudged all the time…”

Ah… I’ve seen that dark look in her eyes before.

I first saw it on a screen, back when this was still just a game to me.

If I remember correctly, Rina’s past was…


“That damn slut… She’s gonna pay for this…”

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