VSA – Chapter 74: “I want you to pick me…”

Translator: Haruto.

Having enjoyed the rest of our day at the pool, we’re now at the station closest to our school, where we met up this morning.

“Are we forgetting something? Is everyone here?” Mahiro asks.

“Yup! I’m here!” Rina replies.

“Yuuji-kun and I are here as well!” responds Yuito.

“And Tajima’s present, too,” I say.

“I told you I was sorry about what happened at noon, so come on, stop grabbing me by the neck! What am I, a cat?!!” Tajima yells.

“I don’t want you getting lost again.”

…Then again, we’re all going our separate ways after this, so I decide to let go of him.

“It seems everyone had a great time today—me included, of course,” Mahiro says with a refreshing smile on her face.  

And Rina replies in the most tsundere way possible, “I’d like to visit the park alone with Yui-kun next time, but… Yeah, I guess I did have fun.”

“I had tons of fun!” Yuito chimes in.

“Yeah, me too,” I say.

“M-Me too!” Tajima exclaims.

Yeah, we boys had a blast, too. Putting aside what happened with Rina and Mahiro… hanging out with friends and classmates like this is quite a joy.

“I’m glad to hear that. Time to go our separate ways, then,” Mahiro says.

I let out a small sigh.

I did have a blast today, but I’m also tired from all the swimming…

“Yui-kun, did you enjoy our time together?” Rina asks Yuito, and Mahiro follows her lead.

“You enjoyed your time with me, didn’t you, Yuito?”

Even though Mahiro said we’d be going “our separate ways,” she and her sister are still standing beside Yuito and cheerfully talking to him. What else could you expect from the protagonist and the heroines, though? You take your eye off them for one second, and they start flirting.

“Later, Kasashima. I’m leaving now,” Tajima tells me from behind.   

“Alright. Are you sure you don’t wanna say goodbye to the rest, though?”

“Nah, dude, I’m not brave enough to barge into their little world.”

“Yeah, I know what you mean.” I look at the three of them one more time.

Mahiro and Rina have their arms linked with Yuito’s. It looks like they’ve dialed up their flirting again. They don’t even seem to mind that the people passing by are staring at them.

“I figured you would. See ya!” Tajima says, running off.

“Yeah, take care.”

Maybe he’s got somewhere to be? He seemed to be in a rush.

“…He’s totally hiding something.”

Ever since we met up at noon, he’s been kind of restless. Oh well, not like it’s any of my business.

“Bye, Mahiro-chan, Rina-chan! Let’s hang out again some other day!” I hear Yuito say.

Well, it seems their little act is finally over.  

I then make eye contact with Mahiro and Rina, and…

“Bye, Kasashima-kun,” Mahiro says, smiling.

“Bye-bye, Kasashima.” Rina waves me goodbye with a tinge of sulkiness.

“Y-Yeah, bye.”

I feel like this is the first time they’ve bid me goodbye without treating me like an afterthought.

I want to learn from you how to get more flustered reactions.

Uhhh! Pervert!!

A lot of stuff happened between us today, so I guess we’ve gotten a little closer?

“Yuuji-kun.” Yuito stands in front of me.   

“Ah, Yuito. What’s up?”

I was sure he’d leave with the two sisters.

“Can we walk home together? Just halfway is fine, though.”


“Today was a lot of fun, right, Yuuji-kun?!”

“Yeah, it was. It’ll become a nice summer memory.”

Yuito and I walk down the road as we talk about what happened today. You know, sometimes I forget that we actually live in the same neighborhood.

It appears Yuito had a blast with Mahiro and Rina as well. I’m glad, really. I’m not going to get in their way so they’re free to flirt to their heart’s content.

As for me, I spent the morning with Rina and a bit of the afternoon with Mahiro. Just a bit, though…

You have a certain charm about you, Kasashima-kun. I’ve felt it faintly, but… I still don’t understand it completely. That’s why I’d like you to teach me…

After that happened, I think she tried to keep her distance out of consideration for me. She spent all the afternoon by herself but not at the pool since she’d have been an easy target for dumb playboys. From what I heard, she went to a massage room and visited the souvenir shop.

“Still, I wish I could have hung out with you and Tajima-kun a bit more,” Yuito says.

“Yeah, that’d have been nice.”

Once Yuito’s two little dates with Rina and Mahiro were over, we all spent an hour having fun together.

“But well, summer has just begun. We still have plenty of time to hang out, right?” I tell him.


Summer is far from over. I’m going to enjoy this great season as much as I can in this new world!

“Ah! Yuuji-kun, can we go in for a bit?”


Yuito has stopped walking all of a sudden and is now pointing at a convenience store.

You’re Kasashima Yuuji, right?


It’s the store where Yuito and I first met.

“Aahh, so cold and nice! I love convenience stores in the summer!” As I step into the store, a pleasant feeling of cold washes over me.

“Alright, since I’m already here…” I walk to the corner without a moment’s delay. “I’m gonna get me some ice cream!”

Come to think of it, that day I also came to buy some ice cream.

“Ohh, ice cream! I think I’m going to buy some, too!” Yuito says walking over to me.

We both look into the ice cream display case and think about what we should get.

“I’m gonna get my favorite: Black Mont Blanc… and also…”

I’ll get something for Hibari as well to thank her for bringing me my swimsuit. Something expensive should do… A Hä*gen!

I take my Black Mont Blanc and a strawberry-flavored Hä*gen.

“Hm? You’re buying two for you, Yuuji-kun?”

“Ah, no, the other one is for Hibari.”

“For Hibari-san…”

“Yeah. What will you get, Yuito—”

“Yuuji-kun, I want you to pick me…”


Yuito stares at me with a serious look in his eyes.

“I want you to pick me an ice cream you think I’d enjoy… Please?”

Aah, so that’s what he meant. For a moment there I didn’t quite understand what he was talking about.

“Something you’d enjoy, huh… Let me think… Hmmm… Ah! How about this one? Aloe ice cream. I heard someone on TV say it was insanely good.”

I’m planning to give it a try someday, but right now I want something with plenty of chocolate and crunchiness. In other words, I’m in the perfect mood for some Black Mont Blanc.

“Okay! I’ll take that one. Thank you, Yuuji-kun!” Yuito says with a smile.

I can’t believe he’d thank me just for picking an ice cream for him. He really is a nice guy.

After paying for the ice cream, we step out of the store, and both the heat and the humidity immediately envelop our bodies.

“It’s so freaking hot. The ice cream will melt in no time. We should hurry home. You take that road from here, right, Yuito?”  


Yuito and I need to take different routes to get home from the convenience store.

“See you, Yuito. Next time… Ah, now that I think about it, there’ll be one summer school day soon, right? I guess we won’t be seeing each other until then.”

“I suppose. Have you been doing your homework, Yuuji-kun?”

“Of course!”

After all, my dear overseer (Hibari) is always with me. She makes sure I don’t leave the living room until I’ve made some progress on my homework.

“Be careful on your way home, Yuito!”

“You too!”

I wave my hand at him and run off.

I can’t wait to get home and eat my ice cream!

“Hibari-san… I’m a bit jealous of her…”


“I’m back, Hibari! I brought you some ice cream from the store! Let’s eat together!”

“Welcome home, Yuuji-sama. From the looks of it, you enjoyed yourself a lot today. I’m glad.”

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