VSA – Chapter 16:  The Villain and the Maid + The Amusement Park + The Protagonist and the Sisters.

Translator: Haruto.

This is a double release. Here’s chapter 15.


“Huh? Ah, it’s nothing…!” I exclaim while looking up at the place Hibari has led me to.

This is… a surprise.

Amusement parks are places where people get to enjoy themselves as children again, which is also why they’re such popular destinations, however…

“It is painfully obvious how surprised you are that I chose an amusement park.”

“I’m that obvious? It’s just, I thought you’d ask for some luxury item or stuff like that.”

“If you’re also going to offer me an expensive present, I’ll accept it gladly.”

“So you’d also accept those kinds of presents.”

Looks like Hibari is into fancy stuff too. I don’t know much about luxury brands so I guess I’ll do some research later to give her something nice on her birthday or some other special occasion.

Then Hibari continues, “Well, it all depends on who’s offering it to me…”  

“…Right, that’s what really matters, huh.”


“…Hmm? Hold on. Correct me if I’m wrong, but doesn’t that mean that you’d be happy to receive a present from me?”  

I was nodding in approval to what Hibari had said when such a question just popped into my mind.

I turn to look at Hibari and she’s also got her eyes on me.



We look at each other in complete silence.

I notice how her usually stern eyes are now quivering cutely and that there are traces of bashfulness in her otherwise serious expression.  

We continue staring at each other until she turns around at last. Before she does, though, I see her nod her head.

“Haha… You should be more honest with your feelings, Hibari.”

“What’s with that huge grin on your face, Yuuji-sama? An intimidating face and a grin are a scary combination, you know?”

“My, looks like someone is trying hard to hide her embarrassment. Sorry, Hibari, no matter what you say to me right now, it won’t affect me at all.”

“Very well. Would you like me to yell, “Help! Molester!” instead?”

“Don’t! They’ll believe you!!”

We keep chatting and messing around like that as we buy our tickets and enter the park. Once inside, we find it filled with families and couples, together with numerous and diverse attractions.  

“Ohh! It really feels like another world inside! Hibari, what do you wanna ride first?”



She’s just staring at all the different attractions intently without saying a word. When I take a closer look, I see that she’s raised one of her eyebrows but not because she’s wondering about which attraction she should choose first. It’s as though she’s looking at something she’s never seen before…

Man, it’s impressive how good I’ve gotten at reading Hibari’s emotions from her body language. I suppose that’s just what happens when you live with someone under the same roof.

“Is this…”

“Yes, this is my first time visiting an amusement park.”

“I see…”

She chose an amusement park because she’d never been to one, huh. I’m not much better, though. I’ve only been twice: once when I was little and later on during a school trip.

“Yuuji-sama, you said you wanted to express your gratitude to me today, didn’t you?”

“I did.”

After a small silence, Hibari continues, “In that case, could I please leave today’s program to you so that I can just focus on enjoying my first time here?”  

Hibari keeps her eyes on me until I finally say with a smile, “You’ve got it!”

Let’s see, I think that the first place you should visit when you come to an amusement park is the gift shop. Buying small accessories and things to decorate your clothes with is the easiest way to put you in a cheery mood. And so, Hibari and I decide to buy one item for the other to wear.

“…A headband… with dog ears…”

“It kind of takes the fun out of it when you say it with such a deadpan tone.”

Hibari stares at the doggy-ears headband curiously. One more thing to add to the list of things she sees for the first time today, I guess.  

As for me…

“Kou-kun, does this look good on me?”

“It sure does, cutie pie!”  

“Can you buy the same one, Kou-kun? I want our outfits to match!”

“Anything for you, Sayu-tan!”

I’m watching a couple buy stuff for each other. They’re being as cutesy as they can, without caring about what other people may think. They remind me of a certain trio.

When I take a look around the store, I see that there are actually many couples wearing matching items and outfits. It’s strange how well Hibari and I are blending into this lovey-dovey atmosphere…

Yeah, now that I think about it, Hibari and I came to the park by ourselves so… isn’t this basically a date?  

“I feel so calm when I’m with you, Yuuji-sama.”


My heart skips a beat and I end up raising my voice in reaction to Hibari’s weirdly well-timed statement.

Hold on. Don’t tell me she really likes—

“People think you’re a gangster so no one dares try flirting with me.”

“Ah, that’s what you…Wait, I’m not a gangster!”

“My apologies, that was rude of me.”

I’m an idiot for getting the wrong idea.

We’re just a couple of friends that like to joke around with each other.


Meanwhile… Inside a certain train…

“Thank you for inviting me, Mahiro-chan, Rina-chan!”

“We wanted to go with you, Yuito. Uh-oh, careful there. You need to stay close to the wall or you’ll fall.”

“T-Thank you. You’re standing pretty close to me so I should be fine. You can also rely on me if you get tired, okay?”


“Okay, okay, that’s enough flirting for you, Sis. Move a bit to the side, please… Yui-kun, you can hold on to me too if you want.”

“Ahaha. Thank you!”

“Rina, I can only stick to his arm now!”

“Isn’t that enough?”  

Yuito tries to calm the two girls down, all while his mind is somewhere else…

I wish Yuuji-kun had come with us…

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5 thoughts on “VSA – Chapter 16:  The Villain and the Maid + The Amusement Park + The Protagonist and the Sisters.

  1. That protag might be a bit sus, two girls clinging to him and he wants a dude there. I hope the maid and MC end up together

  2. Please let the maid win,Please let the maid win,Please let the maid win,Please let the maid win,Please let the maid win,Please let the maid win,Please let the maid win,Please let the maid win,Please let the maid win,Please let the maid win,Please let the maid win,Please let the maid win,Please let the maid win,Please let the maid win,Please let the maid win,Please let the maid win,Please let the maid win,Please let the maid win,Please let the maid win,Please let the maid win,Please let the maid win,Please let the maid win,Please let the maid win,Please let the maid win,Please let the maid win,Please let the maid win,Please let the maid win,Please let the maid win,Please let the maid win,Please let the maid win,Please let the maid win,Please let the maid win,Please let the maid win,Please let the maid win,Please let the maid win,Please let the maid win,Please let the maid win,Please let the maid win,Please let the maid win,Please let the maid win,Please let the maid win,Please let the maid win,Please let the maid win,Please let the maid win,Please let the maid win,Please let the maid win,Please let the maid win,Please let the maid win,Please let the maid win,Please let the maid win,Please let the maid win,Please let the maid win,Please let the maid win,Please let the maid win,Please let the maid win,Please let the maid win,Please let the maid win,Please let the maid win,Please let the maid win,Please let the maid win,Please let the maid win,Please let the maid win,Please let the maid win,Please let the maid win,Please let the maid win,Please let the maid win,Please let the maid win,Please let the maid win,Please let the maid win,Please let the maid win,Please let the maid win,Please let the maid win,Please let the maid win,Please let the maid win,Please let the maid win,Please let the maid win,

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