TSS – Chapter 17: Visiting a Pancake Shop with Three Beauties.  

Translator: Haruto. “Phew! I’m exhausted!” The next morning, Haruka-san and I had a few mock duels. She’s what you’d call a prodigy, capable of learning everything I teach her in a heartbeat. “You were wonderful, Haruka-san. And you too, Alize-san,” Mia praises us before handing me a towel. I wipe my sweat off and say,… Read More TSS – Chapter 17: Visiting a Pancake Shop with Three Beauties.  

TSS – Chapter 16: Mia, the Saint of Benevolence, Arrives.

Translator: Haruto. “…Mia? Is it really you?” I ask the girl resting dizzily on Kamia’s back. Despite being on the verge of vomiting, she somehow manages to answer, “A-Alize-san… Yes, it’s me, Mia. It’s been too long…” “A-Are you okay?” “I’m not… I feel like I’m about to throw up…” She’s as pale as a… Read More TSS – Chapter 16: Mia, the Saint of Benevolence, Arrives.

VSA – Chapter 33: The Maid’s Loneliness Will End That Evening.

Translator: Haruto. This is a mass release (Ch29-33). Here’s chapter 29. I sure am. “I see. He really is enjoying himself.” After turning her phone back on, Hibari sees the text Yuuji sent her. Feeling nervous, she turned her phone off and on multiple times last night before she eventually managed to text him. His… Read More VSA – Chapter 33: The Maid’s Loneliness Will End That Evening.

VSA – Chapter 30: The Villain Makes Sure There’s a Ding-Dong. ②

Translator: Haruto. This is a mass release (Ch29-33). Here’s chapter 29. Ker-chack! “Wow! It’s huge!” “Yeah, it’s pretty big.” With a towel wrapped around our waist, Yuito and I step into the large bath where we find two hot and cold bathtubs and a nice sauna. It’s kind of exciting knowing we’ve got the entire… Read More VSA – Chapter 30: The Villain Makes Sure There’s a Ding-Dong. ②

VSA – Chapter 29: The Villain Makes Sure There’s a Ding-Dong. ① 

Translator: Haruto. This is a mass release (Ch29-33). After lunch, we were told we’d be learning new things about nature, so the teachers gave us a long presentation on various things as they showed us some slides on a screen. I thought their presentation was pretty informative… but, truth be told, I was feeling so… Read More VSA – Chapter 29: The Villain Makes Sure There’s a Ding-Dong. ① 

TSS – Chapter 15: The Saint Mia Encounters a Huge Wolf in the Forest.

Translator: Haruto. It’s taken me, Mia the Saint, a week to reach the outskirts of the capital of Archaia. I’m far too exhausted to continue my journey to Arcana without taking a rest, so I’ve decided to stay in the capital for the time being. Seeing how late it is, though, I think I’ll just… Read More TSS – Chapter 15: The Saint Mia Encounters a Huge Wolf in the Forest.

VSA – Chapter 28: The Villain Enjoys His Time with Everyone.  

Translator: Haruto. “I believe that should be enough.” A soothing voice is heard in the living room. With the laundry done, Hibari has nothing left to do so she decides to return to her room. Her bedroom is incredibly clean and tidy, and she only keeps things she absolutely needs in it. “…” Hibari walks… Read More VSA – Chapter 28: The Villain Enjoys His Time with Everyone.  

VSA – Chapter 27: The Villain and the Devilish Little Sister?

Translator: Haruto. I’m cute. Whenever I walk by, I always hear the same “How cute…” from most guys as their eyes follow me around. I’m popular. Countless guys have asked me out and every time I go for a stroll around town, I’m approached by model scouts. I just wish I was popular because I’m… Read More VSA – Chapter 27: The Villain and the Devilish Little Sister?