RBP- Chapter 3: The Entrance Speech — Hina’s POV.

Translator: Haruto.

“The ceremony will begin now. For the opening speech—”

It’s finally starting…

I’m shaking uncontrollably, but there’s no way I can let the people around me notice it…

You might be asking yourself why I’m even shaking…

Well, it’s obviously not because I want to go to the bathroom! I’m shaking because I’m super nervous!!!

…I’m just talking to myself, yet I can’t help getting into these weird arguments.

Shoot, I don’t look weird, do I?

Without turning my head, I throw little glances to the left and the right.

Thank goodness… It seems no one’s looking at me.

Phew… I sigh in relief in my head.

Per the schedule, the principal has taken the podium to give the opening speech. Unfortunately, despite knowing how rude it is, I just can’t pay attention to what’s being said, which ends up making the supposedly long, long speech feel rather short.

Ah, it’s over already…

Normally, whenever I hear a principal give a speech, I can’t wait for them to be done with it, but today I wish my new school’s principal had never finished talking.

…Now that I think about it, I probably owe an apology to all the principals I had in middle school…

“And now, a few words from our guests…”

Two people begin to read letters from the head of the parent-teacher association, the town council, and even some regional politicians.

I’d always thought that these kinds of letters were addressed to the new students, but now I see that they’re mainly for our parents. Maybe that’s why the new students, who had remained silent until then, have begun to chat among themselves. It seems many of them came here with the same friends they had in middle school…

“Next comes the welcome speech…”

It’s almost my turn…

Representing our seniors, the current student council president, Amanogawa Shion, starts reading her welcome speech in front of the entire student body. She has a name that is quite easy to remember, and she gives off a pretty intimidating aura.  

Without stuttering or pausing even once, Amanogawa-senpai speaks so fluently that it feels like we’re listening to a recording. Because of how impressive she is, I’m starting to feel more and more afraid of making a mistake once my turn comes. Not to mention, even though she’s just standing there, you simply cannot take your eyes off her. She’s without a doubt as beautiful as my sister, so I must say… Come on! There’s got to be a limit to how amazing a person can be!!!   

“And that brings us to an end. Thank you for listening to my speech.”

Aaahh, she’s done… and I come next. I’m a nervous wreck right now.  

Shoot, I can’t stop shaking…

I squeeze my hands together.

Amanogawa-senpai descends from the stage and walks alongside the wall towards her seat. Sitting close to the wall, I can hear her clearly when she reaches me and says, “Good luck. I’m certain you’ll do great.” It was almost a whisper, really, so only I was able to hear her.

“Huh?!” I turn around with a start, but by then she’s already gone, having returned to her own seat.

She caught me completely by surprise, but for some reason, what she said made my mind go blank for a second and took all my anxiety away. It’s unbelievable how calm I’m feeling.

It’s… amazing…

I take a deep breath.

It’s going to be okay. I can do this.

“And finally, would the representative of the first-year students please stand up and take the stage to give the entrance speech?”



“Together with the early arrival of spring, we take the first step of our student life at Seisai High School. I would like to begin by expressing my profound gratitude to the administrative staff for allowing us this opportunity to formally greet them and our seniors, and to our parents and former teachers who have supported us to this day. As new students of Seisai High School, we welcome our first day with hearts full of hopeful anticipation of the endless possibilities that the future has in store for us here.

“In all honesty, it is still difficult to believe that I have become a high school student, however, I do feel joyful and relieved knowing that if we’re now able to stand here, it’s because we overcame such a long and difficult trial as the entrance exam was.

“All our lives, we’ve been blessed with the assistance of countless people, starting with our dear parents. Likewise, we now regard it as our duty to contribute to this school in any way possible throughout the next three years we’ll enjoy here. We wish to devote ourselves fully to our studies, clubs, and the student council as we encounter all sorts of new experiences.

“In the future, we might trouble our teachers, seniors, and parents again, however, we beg you to please lead us towards the right path with both strictness and kindness.

“We believe that Seisai High School, a place with so much history and tradition, can provide us with the best kind of environment to challenge ourselves and reach our dreams and objectives. Thus, we hereby pledge that, under the guidance of our wonderful new teachers, we will apply ourselves diligently to our studies, and spare no effort in the realization of those dreams and goals.

“My name is Yaehata Hina, and it’s been an honor to represent the first-year students.

“Thank you for your attention.”

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