RCF – Chapter 23: I Now Understand How the Children of the Sai no Kawara Feel.

Translator: Haruto.

This is a mass release (Ch19-24).

Here’s chapter 19.

Rumble! Rumble! Rumble!

As the ground shakes beneath my feet, I carry yet another boulder.

“Haa, Haa… Finally, I arrived.”

Unfortunately, I’m welcomed by the sight of all the boulders I had carried smashed to pieces.


“I only had two left to go, you guys…”

Two calamities smirk at me.

I’ve tried various ways to prevent this from happening, but I don’t know how to use any barriers capable of withstanding multiple attacks of rank-four calamities. The problem is that if I try to deal with every single calamity that appears, I’ll never get to carry the boulders.

I wish I could just create a clone of myself…

I tried summoning my dragon, but the rank-fours surrounded it and beat the poor guy to a pulp.  

The calamities have smashed my boulders countless times.

And I don’t even know how many years has it been since I started.

I’ve continued carrying boulders for so long that at some point I just lost track of time.

“Ooh, you’re still hard at it, I see.”

“Ah, it’s you, Hades. You’ve got a lot of free time, huh.”

“I’m actually quite busy, but I decided to come and give you a little present to cheer you up, seeing how your little rocks have been smashed over ten thousand times now.”

He hands me a phone.

“Go over to the video folder. The present is there. A one-eyed monitoring yokai filmed it for you.”

Hmm, a video that could make me happy…

“You’ll see,” said Hades before taking his leave.

“Oh fine, let’s see what I got.”

It seems the video was taken when Amane was in her later years of middle school.

I hit play…

I see Amane squirming around in her room.


She’s holding a T-shirt I lost a while back.

To think she had it…

Sniff, Sniff. Shuu-kun.♡ Shuu-kun!♡”

I hear Amane’s voice clearly, accompanied by that peculiar sound that slime makes in ASMR videos.

Blushing, Amane brings my T-shirt close to her face using her right hand to smell it again.


In the meantime, she brings her left hand lower and lower…

“T-This is…!!”

Having been a virgin in my previous life as well, this scene was almost too much for me to endure, but I just couldn’t take my eyes off the screen.

“Ah! Haa… Ah! Hm…!”

Amane was going to town thinking of me.

I’m so glad I don’t have a physical body at the moment.

If I did, my Excalibur would be waking up to say hi right about now.   

Amane is still at it. It seems once wasn’t enough so she’s back for seconds.

I’m 90% happy and 10% worried.

I’m happy that she’s thinking of me, but the fact that one time wasn’t enough means that her libido is really high…

At this rate, a NTR ending may become plausible.

Some of you may be thinking, “Nah, no freaking way,” but remember, this is an Eroge.

This is the kind of world where heroines fall to the dark side as easily as a monkey falls from a tree.

When the heroine’s libido is this high, the world makes sure to entice her with some sort of event that’ll eventually become her downfall.

After confirming that I can take the video with me back to the surface, and watching it five hundred times, I return to carrying boulders.

Strength wells up within me.

I know that I’m being powered by something as indecent as my own libido, but it doesn’t matter. I’m raring to go, just like my spiritual buddy downstairs… Alright, I’m sorry for the bad joke.

Still, I hope you’re a bit more lenient with me this time.                                                                                     

After all, the girl I love is going to town while sniffing my T-shirt.

There’s no guy in this world that wouldn’t get horny in this type of situation.

Let’s push the illegal filming charges and other crimes on the one-eyed yokai! It’s all his fault! ♪

Watch! What year is it?! ♪

…I’m losing my mind.

Alright, let’s stop messing around and get to work.

Every time I pile up eight boulders or so, the calamities come to destroy them.

They always wait until I’m away carrying another boulder.

I’ve got an idea…

Hades said that I had to gather ten rocks and pile them up around the river but he didn’t specify where.

In other words, I can stack my real stone tower upstream and make a mock one here to trick the calamities. Thankfully, there are plenty of large boulders upstream.

First, I make my mock-stone tower sturdy enough.

And then I go upstream to pile up various stone towers.

I leave the stone tower at the center as close to completion as possible.

Next, I return to my mock-stone tower and get to work.

The calamities start watching me but that’s fine.

I dig around my mock-stone tower to make them believe I’m trying really hard.

In addition, I put up three barriers to protect it.

Hm? You think I can’t?! Ha! Think again! I come from a long line of shrine priests! Don’t you underestimate me!

…Please don’t tell anyone it took me three hours to create the barriers, okay?

“Hahaha! It’s time to end this, my dear calamities!”

I pile up boulder after boulder until it’s time to carry the eighth one.

Rumble! Rumble! Rumble!

And sure enough, as I arrive with the new boulder, I see the calamities destroying my mock-stone tower.

I run to them and began kicking them around to save my tower, but it’s too late.

Tears (drops of water from the river) begin trickling down my cheeks and I dash, seemingly flustered, upstream.

Alright, that’s ten!!


But I’m not done!!

Surrounding the stone tower at the center, there are multiple stone towers composed of 9 boulders each. I complete all of them as well.

Now, you may be asking, “why did you go out of your way to make some many?”

Out of spite!!!

Multiple tall stone towers lay all around me.

“Hell yeaaaaaaahhhhh!!!” I scream in excitement.

Hades appears out of nowhere.

“Pfff! Hahahaha! I never expected to see someone clear the challenge that way… But it’s fine. Now everything is ready for your revival.”  

“Wait, is there another way to clear the challenge?”

“I never said you couldn’t ask for help, did I?”

“Ah! That’s not fair!!”

“Hahaha! Try using your head a little more often. Anyhow, it’s time for you to revive! Get out of here!”

“Uwaa?! I’m floating?! What the…?!”

I begin to disappear little by little.


“Oh, you’re finally awake, my foolish apprentice.”

“Old Perv—I mean, Master! What are you doing here?!”

I open my eyes and find myself in some sort of cabin.

“Relax. I’ll explain everything in a moment. For now, let’s enjoy our meal.”

My master begins to tell me everything that’s going on as we eat.

It seems that when he came to help, he saw Amane crying beside me and he found me in a half-dead state. He took Amane away and decided to leave me here in this cabin.

After Amane was pulled off my body, her grandparents took her in and she moved away.

My master hasn’t talked to her since but he was able to find out which school she was attending.

He had been preparing all the documentation ready for me to enroll in her school, and when he returned to the cabin today, he found me awake.   

The reason why he hasn’t been in contact with Amane is that her grandparents threw away her phone in the hope that she’d forget about us.

Amane’s grandparents are quite stubborn and have a somewhat obsolete way of thinking.

Anyhow, my master also said that he’d taken care of me because, for some strange reason, he knew I’d just wake up eventually. And according to him, my body just healed on its own.

“How did you know I’d revive?”

“A disciple isn’t allowed to kick the bucket before his master.”

“Why, though?”

“Oh, don’t worry about it. More importantly, take this. You’ll need it.”

My master hands me a permit to participate in Amane’s Engagement Event.

“You sure are well prepared.”

“Save the flattery for later, and go rescue her already!”

“Got it.”

I run to Amane.


“Good grief, that Hades sure knows how to come up with some ridiculous requests,” the old man grumbles to himself inside the small dark cabin.   

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