TSS – Chapter 9: The Arrival of Lulune, the Forester of Beginnings.

Translator: Haruto.

What?! Why?! What’s Lulune-sama doing here?! Bewilderment is written all over the faces of the people at the guild.

I’ve got no idea why they’re reacting like that… I’m beginning to wonder again if this Lulune is really the same girl I picked up all those years ago.

However, when I peer into her face, I certainly see the resemblance. We spent five years together; there’s no way I’d ever forget how she looked back then.

“L-Lulune-sama! To what do we owe the honor…?!” The receptionist asks the question that’s on everyone’s minds.

The guy that was chatting with me a moment ago has collapsed on the floor and there’s foam on his mouth. He’s also twitching uncontrollably.   

“Aah… I just came to see Alize-san,” Lulune answers nonchalantly.

…After everything I’ve seen, not even I would fail to realize that Lulune and the other girls are actually the famous heroes. After all, I’m not one of those dense protagonists… I think.

Still, I can’t believe how much Lulune has grown. I know how she used to be back then so seeing her like this is kind of moving for me.

“To think I’d be so lucky as to meet Lulune-sama, the Forester of Beginnings and one of the five great heroes!” A guy at the guild exclaims, overcome with emotion.

And hearing that, I can’t help whispering to myself, “Is that Lulune’s title?”

“Ahh! Gee! Please don’t call me by that title! It’s embarrassing!” Lulune turns her face away, red as a beet.

I can’t blame her, though. I wouldn’t like such an epithet either.  

“Hmm? Hold on. If Lulune is a hero, then the guy in the posters is…” I murmur, peeking at the posters on the wall.

In response, Lulune nods and says, “Yes, that’s supposed to be you. I mean, the portrait isn’t that bad, but you’re a hundred times more handsome in person!”

I hold my head in my hands and start screaming inwardly in embarrassment.

Those posters can not only be found at the guild but all over town. That’s like an avant-garde form of public execution. And to add salt to injury, they’ve even given me titles like “the Master of the Heroes,” and the “the Legendary Wanderer.”

“So he’s really the great Alize-sama…?” the receptionist asks Lulune hesitantly.

The latter nods again and says, “That’s right. He’s the man that looked after us and taught us everything we know.”

You’re not exactly wrong, but you girls are the amazing ones here! I’m just some regular guy!

“I knew it! He’s as young and handsome as I imagined him!”

…The receptionist sure changed her tune fast. Didn’t she call me an old man earlier?

Lulune seems to have loved the receptionist’s compliment, though. Why is she looking so proud?

“Oh, you really get it! Alize-san is the most handsome man in the world!”

Suddenly, the eyes of the man that had passed out on the floor open up wide. He then runs to Lulune, gets on his knees, and exclaims, “I’m the self-proclaimed commander of the Royal Guard of my five queens—the great heroes! Please kick me with all your—”

Before he even manages to finish his sentence, Lulune kicks him away with pure disgust in her eyes. He flies through the air, visibly delighted.

“…Haa, there are more perverts like him than you think. It’s turning into a bit of a problem.”

“Seriously…? There are more like him…?”

The people around us show absolutely no concern for the guy that got blasted away. They didn’t even turn around to see him land… That just goes to show the kind of world we’re living in.

“At any rate, did you come to sell some cores, Alize-san?”

“Yeah, I did.”

“I see. You didn’t have to, though.”

“What are you talking about? I need to make a living somehow.”

Lulune shakes her finger from side to side and says, “I’ll support you, Alize-san. From now on, you can just depend on me for everything!”

“…Is it just me or does that sound kind of scary?”

“It’s just you. Anyhow, I’ll pay for everything you need so you won’t have to worry about money again.”

I can’t say I’m sold on the idea of depending fully on a girl like that, though. Lulune, however, isn’t finished, “I know I’ll never be able to pay you back for everything you did for me, but I hope you’ll at least allow me to show you a little of my gratitude.”

Well, there’s no way I can refuse her offer now…

“Alright, in that case, the guild can have those cores for free.”

“Huh?! Are you sure?!” asks the receptionist with a smile plastered on her face.

“Yeah, I’m sure.”

“Yay! Now I won’t have to spend a huge chunk of our funds to buy these and the Guild Master won’t get mad at me!”

Lulune throws the rejoicing receptionist a little side glance before saying, “Okay, time to go.”

“Hm? Where?”

“I made a reservation at the best place in town, so let’s go!”

She pulls me by the hand and we walk out of the guild into the city streets.

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2 thoughts on “TSS – Chapter 9: The Arrival of Lulune, the Forester of Beginnings.

  1. It’s kind of refreshing that the MC is actually OP in this novel, usually in this kind of novel the MC is weak, but everyone think they are strong because he trained the heroes

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