RCF – Chapter 9: Let’s fight! And wear some clothes.  

Translator: Haruto.

I wonder how long has it been since the fight began.  

Days have come and gone, and over and over again, I kept wishing I hadn’t gotten dual blades as my divine arms.

The battle wouldn’t have lasted this long if I had a greatsword or a long sword instead.

I knew dual blades were weak, but I never imagined I’d be at such a disadvantage.

Unleashing Divine-Blood Strengthening at full power would surely speed things up, however, it would also drain my life energy in the blink of an eye, and that’d be game over.

Not to mention, my body wouldn’t be able to endure it either. It’d break down faster than it’s able to regenerate.

That’s why I’ve limited its output to 20%, and I’m also using Demon Dance to gradually reduce the enemy’s numbers.

Oh, and as a side note, I have no need to relieve myself thanks to the talisman. Convenient, am I right?

First week:

The life energy I’ve accumulated progressively over the span of five years has begun to dwindle, but I can still fight.  

Third week:

Demon Dance was interrupted. I managed to pull through somehow, although it cost me a huge amount of life energy.

Tenth week… probably:

Thinking has become tiresome. My proficiency level rose and I learned a multi-strike skill called Chaotic Dance.

Third month:

My clothes are a mess and I can’t help but think I smell terrible. There are still many enemies left. Considering how hot it’s gotten; summer must have begun. I’d kill for some water.

Fifth month:

I’ve optimized my fighting techniques further, and I can now use Divine-Blood Strengthening at 30% non-stop.

Seventh month:

The air is getting cold. The general hasn’t returned for some reason. I leveled up again and learned Ethereal Beauty.

It is a pretty powerful skill that can be used in between other techniques. It allows you to attack your enemies with a phantom slash, infused with murderous intent and with an area of effect of three meters. The cherry on top, though, is the fact that enemies can’t parry it, and once the attack has made contact, it deals damage depending on the user’s power level.

And so, the ninth month arrives at last.

I’ve defeated most of the calamities dwelling in the forest.

I stand atop a mountain of dead calamities.

A ray of light shines upon me. I feel kinda cool.

I can’t wait to take a bath.

My legs are shaking…

I’m naked above the waist. Usually, that’d be enough to get arrested, but hey, I’m still a kid, so cut me some slack, okay?

Come on man, I’m close to graduating. Let me off, will you?  

…Who am I even talking to?

Whatever, all that matters here is that I did a super great job!

I went to wash my body in a nearby river.

“Ahh! I’m feeling much better now!”


Man, it’s freezing!

I forgot it was winter.

I’m craving meat, so I’ll go search for what will be my first meal in almost a year.

Luckily, I found a deer close by and hunted it.

My parents taught me how to drain animals’ blood and butcher them. At first, I couldn’t fathom the reason why they’d teach that kind of thing to a kid, but now I’m glad they did.

Thank you very much.

Having thanked my parents, I start eating the meat. Needless to say, I didn’t use any seasoning!

My mental fatigue is getting pretty bad so I set up camp the best I can and call it a night.

“Hey, shouldn’t you find something to wear first?” you ask? Look, let’s just not talk about that right now, alright? Don’t worry, me being half-naked bothers me as much as it does you.  

The next morning.

Good morning! Ah right, no one’s here.

The sunlight warms my… Nah, I’m still freezing. Sorry for lying.

I covered myself with whatever I had at hand and got ready to move.

I even feel tempted to put on the deer’s skin. I’ll seriously catch a cold at this rate!

Without much of a choice, I decided to look for some equipment. There are still a few other items hidden in this forest. After all, there’s no way the developers would create such a difficult area and not leave some good stuff lying around as a reward for your troubles.

I’m so glad this is the world of an Eroge! I’m tired of being half-naked! That being said, if I take all the items in the forest, the protagonist’s party will be in quite a pickle later on. I honestly couldn’t care less about leaving that NTR’ing asshole without any equipment but I also don’t want Japan to go bye-bye as a result. And I guess it doesn’t really count as NTR since in the original storyline Shuu, the childhood friend, was long dead by then.

At any rate, I don’t plan on letting that happen this time. Well, I suppose I wouldn’t mind dying if it meant saving Amane, and I bet Shuu felt the same way in the game since he kept working at the Purging Mask despite getting such trashy divine arms.

Alright, I’ll just grab some low-value equipment the protagonist won’t need, and I know exactly what I’ll be taking: “The Feather Mantle of Breakthrough” and “The Hurricane Armor Set.”

When wearing the Feather Mantle of Breakthrough, the damage of your next attack will be multiplied by ten after you’ve landed one hundred hits on your opponent. A battle will almost never last enough for me to use its bonus, so I’d say it qualifies as a low-value piece of equipment.

The Hurricane Armor increases the strength of your attacks depending on how fast you are. The problem is, in a world where raw power is priority number one, a good ol’ power boost would be way more useful for most people, instead of one that is fully dependent on your speed.

Equipment transforms to a certain degree to suit the user. For example, when a female character wears the Feather Mantle of Breakthrough, it turns into very a very thin piece of clothing that leaves their underwear visible for all to see. It’s insanely lewd.

I must admit I did enjoy myself quite a bit giving it to Amane and seeing her wear it when I used to play this game.

On the other hand, when a male character equips it, it turns into that usual raiment resembling a cloud, also known as Hagoromo, that the gods wear on their backs. It looks sick.

If I survive, I’ll ask Amane to wear it one day in the future.

And so, without further ado, I’ll first go fetch the Feather Mantle of Breakthrough that’s hidden behind a waterfall.

…When I open the treasure chest…

“Oh, awesome!”

The Feather Mantle of Breakthrough is indeed inside. Thank goodness! Now there’s no doubt that my knowledge of the game is correct.

Next, I obtained the Hurricane Armor.

“All done! Let’s go home!”

Hm? Oh, perfect. I’ll test these babies on that rank-five calamity over there.

First, I reach my highest speed using Circular Slash, and once I pierce the calamity, I cancel the skill and activate Chaotic Danse, allowing me to land multiple hits on my opponent while I’m still moving at my highest speed. And just like that, the battle is over.

Thanks to my equipment’s attack buff, I managed to defeat it fairly easily. I think I inflicted three times my usual damage.

With the experiment done, I set off for real this time.

“My, hold your horses, boy. So you’re actually still alive…”

What the…?

All of a sudden, the general appears in front of me.

It seems lady Fortuna doesn’t want me to make it home alive.

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2 thoughts on “RCF – Chapter 9: Let’s fight! And wear some clothes.  

    1. 5-6 years old? Since he mentioned the 5 years lifespan he accumulated so.
      He just pulled arthur and anos voldigoad plot, not first time literally.

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