VSA – Chapter 39: The Villain and the Maid Reunite After a Day and a Half Apart.

Translator: Haruto.

By the time the bus made it to our school, the evening had already arrived…

We pick up our bags and return to the same gathering spot as yesterday. Many students took a nap during our ride back to school—me included—so most of us have sleepy looks on our faces while we listen to the final speech of the teacher in charge of our grade.

“…That’s all. Be careful out there and, remember, the school camp isn’t over until you make it back home!!” And with those few words, everyone begins to disperse.

Near the gathering spot, there’s a parking lot already filled to the brim with cars and guardians glancing in our direction.

“Will Hibari-san pick you up, Yuuji-kun?” Yuito asks.

“I think so.”

I sent her a text while I was still on the bus, letting her know when we’d arrive. I actually assumed she’d have arrived by now, but I don’t see anyone resembling her, and our black Benz isn’t in sight either.

“What about you, Yuito? Are your parents coming to get you?”

“Nope, I’ll be walking home.”

“How about we give you a ride, then? Your house is close to mine, isn’t it?” The convenience store where Yuito and I met by chance was the closest to my apartment so I doubt we live that far.

“I appreciate the thought, but I think I’ll just walk home with Mahiro-chan and Rina-chan. We came to school at different times yesterday, but it’s kind of dangerous for two girls to walk by themselves at this hour.”

“I see. You sure are kind, Yuito.”

Being thoughtful is like second nature to him. No wonder those two are head over heels for this guy. And speaking of the devil…

“Kasashima-kun, is your maid picking you up like always?” asks Mahiro.

“How about walking home for once? You’ll gain weight at this rate, you know?” Rina teases me.

“Ha! I work out at home so I don’t have to worry about that.”

I just do 30 push-ups, sit-ups, and back extensions but being consistent is what really matters, right? I only began like 5 days ago, though.  

“Ohh! So that’s why you have those amazing muscles! You even have a six-pack! How cool! I can’t imagine the intense workout you must go through every day!” Yuito exclaims.

“Y-Yeah.” Truth be told, the only reason I have this super fit body is that the old Kasashima Yuuji used to work out like crazy.

“Ah, isn’t that your maid there, Kasashima-kun?” Mahiro asks.

“Hm? Oh, yeah.”

I follow Mahiro’s eyes and see a girl with a maid uniform standing by the school gate. There’s a shadow over her face so I can’t see it well, but I’m pretty sure no one would come here wearing a maid uniform aside from Hibari.

“Alright, time for me to take my leave, then. Be careful on your way back, guys.”

“You too. Bye, Yuuji-kun!”

“See you back in class, Kasashima-kun.”


I run towards the school gate. Midway, I turn around and see Yuito, Mahiro, and Rina waving at me.

And finally, I stop in front of Hibari. We’ve only been apart for a day and a half, but it feels much longer than that.

“I’m back, Hibari. How you’ve been?”

“Welcome, Yuuji-sama. I’ve been just fine.”

“I’m glad to hear that. Where’s the car?”

The black Benz we use to move around town is nowhere to be seen.

“I parked it a little far away. I thought it would make us stand out too much.”

“I think that maid uniform of yours makes us stand out plenty, though.”

Lots of people are staring at us right now. But well, how often do you get to see a real maid?

“I bet you still wore your uniform while I was gone. You know you can wear whatever you please when I’m not home, don’t you?”

“I can’t do that, Yuuji-sama. I’m your maid.”

“No one’s taking that away from you. It’s just—”

“Besides, not wearing my uniform would turn me into nothing more than a regular girl.”

“O-Oh, I see…?” I’m not really sure what she meant by that, but let’s just nod regardless.

“More importantly, it appears you’ve made some new friends during the school camp.”

“I wouldn’t really call anyone other than Yuito my friend just yet, but… well, everyone was easier to get along with than I thought.”

The sisters were scary at first but once I got a chance to talk to them, I learned they were actually easy to talk to. And as for Tajima and Satojima, I’ll probably be chatting with them more from now on.

“I believe the fact that you have more people to talk to is already a wonderful thing, Yuuji-sama.”


“Did you have fun at the school camp?”

“A lot of stuff happened… but yeah, I did.”

“I’m glad. And regarding what we discussed…”

“Discussed? Ah, right…”

Yuito-sama’s a girl until proven otherwise.

That’s probably what she’s talking about.

“Don’t worry, he’s got one,” I say while giving her a thumbs-up. It feels creepy to announce that kind of thing out loud, though.

“I see. So I must be wary of femboys, too…”

“Right, fem—Wait, what?!”

“Let us go home.”

“Can you please tell me what in the world are you talking about first?!!”

“Hehe, it seems Yuuji-kun and Hibari-san are having a blast together. You can tell she really missed him,” Yuito comments.

“You think? I can’t read her expression at all,” Mahiro responds.  

“I don’t know exactly what she’s thinking either, but I feel that’s what her demeanor suggests.”

“Hm, yeah, now that you mention it…”

Yuito, Mahiro, and Rina watch Yuuji and Hibari chat away as the two of them leave the school. Mahiro then takes out her camera and…


“What did you take a picture of, Mahiro-chan?”

“Of Kasashima-kun and his maid, of course. They make a nice couple.”

“They certainly do. Let’s send it to Yuuji-kun later!” Yuito says.

“Only if he wants it…”

“How about I text him and ask him?”

“Ah, don’t worry. I also have his number,” Mahiro says.  


With the conversation over, Yuito and Mahiro begin walking towards the gate as well, however, Rina stays behind, sulking for some reason…  

“So, I’m the only one who doesn’t have his number? Hmm…”

— Volume 2 End —

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