VSA – Chapter 41: The Villain’s Academic Struggle. ②

Translator: Haruto.


Once math class comes to a close, we’re allowed a short break. Our quizzes have already been returned to us and I’m currently staring intently at mine.

“…Say, isn’t Kasashima looking scarier than usual?”

“Yeah, he looks like he’s about to off someone right now… gulp…”

Come on, not even I can look that scary… right?

Having decided to ignore my whispering classmates, I return my attention to the top corner of my quiz where my grade is written.

“This can’t be happening…”

“What’s wrong, Yuuji-kun? You’re making quite the face right now.”

Yuito arrives at my desk. Without thinking, I grab my quiz and hide it inside my shirt.

“Was that your quiz? Did you flunk it or something…?”


“…I see. Well, we still have two more weeks before the midterms, so I’m sure you’ll be okay! I also didn’t do that great either, you know? We’re on the same boat!”


What a kind guy he is. He’s doing his best to try and cheer me up.

“Do you mind if I ask you what you got?”

“I got a 40!” Yuito answers.



The highest score you could get was 50! You did amazing, dude!

“What did you get, Yuuji-kun?”

“I did horribly, so I’d prefer not to say it out loud…”

“Is it that bad?”

Sure, I didn’t study for it, but I can’t believe I got such a low grade… It’s probably the lowest in the entire class, so there’s no way I can tell—



I hear a voice coming from behind, so I turn around and find Rina just standing there. It seems she’s been on that spot the entire time, allowing her to take a peek at my grade.

“Hmm, so you got 5 points on the quiz… As expected of you, Kasashima! Hehe…” she giggles.

“Don’t laugh! You’re kicking me while I’m already down! Besides, I bet your score sucks as much as mine!”

“You of all people should know not to judge a book by its cover. I got a 45.”

“What?! Yuito, is she telling the truth?”

“Rina-chan is super smart so I wouldn’t be surprised if that’s her actual score.”

“Well, I’ll be damned…”

Was Rina smart in the game…? I kind of skipped a few cutscenes so I might have missed it.

“When Rina puts her mind to it, she can even get higher scores than me.” Great, now even Mahiro is here.

As our teacher was handing Mahiro back her quiz, he mentioned that she was the only one in our class to have gotten a perfect score…

“How about we compete on who can get the highest score on the midterms, Rina?” she proposes.

“No, thanks. I only like to study enough to get all A’s on my report card.”

“Maybe I should try studying a bit more. I don’t want to get a bad grade on the midterms and be forced to attend remedial classes,” Yuito says.

“I’m the one who needs to put more effort into my studies! On that note, Yuito, please tutor me on the stuff that’ll be on the midterms!”

“Of course! It’d be my pleasure, Yuuji-kun!”

“Thank you!”

I can’t see myself getting a bad grade with Yuito as my tutor.

“When should we meet? Next week?” I ask.


“Hold on a second! Yui-kun already promised he’d study with us!” Rina interjects.

“I don’t mind if the four of us study together. From what I can see, Kasashima-kun is eager to study hard and diligently, and it would be good for him to have one more tutor around,” says Mahiro.


She’s right. Yuito also needs to study, so he won’t be able to answer my questions all the time.

“Great! We’ll be studying together, then… And, um, I hope that’s okay with you, Rina-chan…” Yuito says.

“Well, if that’s what you and my sister want, I guess it’s fine, but… can I pick the place?”


So I’ll be studying with the two sisters and Yuito, huh… There’s no doubt I’ll have to endure watching them flirt around again, but hey, if that’s what it takes to avoid failing the midterms, fine by me!

I just wonder where we’ll be holding our little study session. I wait for Rina’s next words until—



With her eyes on me, Rina raises her voice, as though an idea’s popped into her head.

“Let’s study at Kasashima’s place!”

S-Say what?!

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