VSA – Chapter 42: The Study Session Will Take Place at the Villain’s Home.

Translator: Haruto.

Let’s study at Kasashima’s place.

Um… What the heck, Rina?! Is this your way of messing with me or something?!

“Rina-san, you know today’s not April Fools’ Day, right?”

“Is my proposal that surprising?” she asks.

“It is.”

I mean, why would one of the two beautiful sisters, who’ve never been interested in anyone other than Yuito ever since this world was just a game, want to study at my home of all places? I know this world’s been kind of buggy lately but, come on, she’s either messing with me or she’s after something…

“Rina, we can’t hold our study session at Kasashima-kun’s place without permission…” Mahiro says.

“Ohh, Mahiro-san! You’re exactly right…!”

Awesome! She’s probably going to tell her that we have to study somewhere—

“So, we’ll first have him check with his guardians if it’s okay,” she adds.

“Ah, I see. You also want to hold it at my place, huh.”

“Me, too! I’ve never visited a guy friend’s home before! I’m so looking forward to it! Hehe!” Yuito chimes in.

He’s probably not aware of it, but Yuito’s persuasion skills are off the charts!! I can’t bring myself to say no now!!

“The thing is, it’d be hard to tutor you at the library since we’d have to keep quiet there, and going to a diner would be kind of troublesome too considering how crowded they usually get…” Mahiro argues.

“Not to mention, studying in public without interruptions would be almost impossible since Mahiro-chan and Rina-chan stand out wherever they go. Haha…” Yuito mentions with a sour laugh.

That must be the real reason why they’re so bent on holding our study session somewhere private…

“Still, why do we have to hold it at my place…”

“You might be close to Yui-kun now, but you are basically just an acquaintance to us so we don’t trust you entirely yet. Who knows what you might do if we let you into our home…” Rina says.

“I wouldn’t do anything to you two, but I don’t blame you for thinking like that…”

Because of how attractive they are to most men, the two sisters must remain on their guard constantly. And since to them I’m just “Yuito’s friend,” they probably only trust me a tiny bit more than other men.

Sure, Rina did open up to me about her past, but the fact that I know her secret could also be another reason to keep her guard up around me.

“And the same goes for Yui-kun’s home…” Rina adds.

“What the heck do you think I’d do to him there…?! But, more importantly, I could say the same about you guys. Who knows what you’ll do if I let you into my home…”

“W-Well, that’s…” Rina stammers out.

“Haha, Kasashima-kun, this is really just Rina’s overly complicated way of saying she wants to visit your home,” Mahiro says.


Rina wants to come over to my place…? Why?

“Sis?! T-That’s totally not true, okay?!”

“Really? I was sure you felt the same way as Yuito…”

“Oh, you want to visit his home too, Rina-chan?! Awesome!” Yuito exclaims.

At this rate, this discussion will never come to an end, so…

“Alright, I get it. If you guys really want to study at my place, then… fine, let’s do it.”

My apartment is pretty spacious, and I don’t think anyone will doubt my intentions since I’m going out of my way to welcome them into my home.

“Thank you, Kasashima-kun,” says Mahiro, followed by Rina and Yuito…


“Yay!!” Yuito throws his hand up high in excitement.

I need to let Hibari know about it, so I’ll ask when exactly—



“Why do you look so displeased to see me?!”

Tajima walks over to us, apparently having listened in on our conversation. Satojima’s beside him. I started talking to these two more after the school camp ended.

Ahem. Listen, Kasashima…”


“Would you mind letting us join your—”


“At least let me finish my sentence!!” Tajima shouts, holding his head in his hands. This guy sure is loud.

Since they left all their initial hostility towards me behind, I’ve had the chance to get to know these two “background characters” a little bit better. Tajima is an overly excited person who always wears his emotions on his sleeve. Satojima, on the other hand, is somewhat quieter. He’s not exactly what you’d call mature, but compared to Tajima, he’s a level-headed guy. And, thankfully, they both know I’m not as wicked as I look.

“Why not?!”

“Do you even need to ask…?” I glance at Rina.

This guy threw his girlfriend aside because he’d fallen for Rina, causing that whole problem back at the school camp.

“I see… No need to worry, then,” Tajima declares while giving me a thumbs up.


I guess he realized why I was glancing at Rina… Does that mean he’s given up on her?

“Kasashima, a beautiful maid picks you up from school every day, right?”

“Well, yeah, but… Hold on, don’t tell me you little…!”

“Can you introduce me to—”

“Hey, Satojima, you don’t mind if I punch this moron’s face in, do you?”

“Be my guest.”

“What?! Why are you guys so mean to me?! Especially you, Satojima! You should be cheering for me as my friend!!”

“Nah, dude, it’s creepy how you jump from one girl to another at the drop of a hat.”

It seems Tajima tends to fall in love a little too easily. He can crush on any girl as long as she’s beautiful.

“If you seriously got a thing for my maid, then there’s no way in hell I’ll let you into my home.”

“Oh, don’t be like that! It’d just be this once!”

“A study session isn’t the time or place to be picking up girls!” I shoot him down again, and Tajima starts throwing a tantrum.

“Putting his dumb reasons aside, I would honestly appreciate it if you went along with his request, Kasashima,” Satojima says.

“And I’d really appreciate it if you could deal with your friend on your own,” I respond.

“Unfortunately, I doubt I’ll be able to study properly with him if you don’t let us join you guys…”


“Because he’d be whining about it non-stop. It’d be a pain in the ass,” Satojima says with an exasperated look on his face. He’s got it rough, too, huh.


I glance to my side. Yuito and the two sisters are looking at me.

“Aah, sorry for leaving you out of the conversation. What do you all think?”

“I don’t mind,” Mahiro replies.

“Same here! Let’s study together!” Yuito says.

“Well…” Rina’s the only one who seems displeased at the idea. That’s to be expected, though. She had to deal with a lot of trouble because of Tajima, so it’s no wonder that she doesn’t want to be near him.

“I-I promise I’ll behave myself,” Tajima mumbles.

“Fine… but if he does try something, will you protect me, Yui-kun?”

“Huh? U-Um, okay?”

I think Yuito agreed without really knowing what she meant by “something.”

“Heck yeaaaaaahhhh!!” Tajima yells.

“Thanks, guys,” says Satojima.

And so, Tajima and Satojima will be joining our study session… That makes 6 participants in total. Things are sure to get lively.


“We’ll be holding a study session here next Saturday. We’ll be 6 in total,” I tell Hibari as she washes the dishes after dinner.

“…To prepare for the midterms, I presume?”


“That must mean you didn’t do so well on the latest quiz.”

“You’re right, but please don’t ask me about my score…”

“Lower than ten, I see…”

“I was really hoping to keep it a secret.”

I can’t hide anything from her.

“What will you do while we’re studying, Hibari? Will you go out or something?”

“No, I’ll stay here at home.”

“Alright, but if you want to take the day off and go out, you can do so, okay?”

“Thank you for the offer.”

With the conversation over, I decide to go work out as I usually do, but then—



“Will the two… No, please forget I said anything…”

“Alright.” If she doesn’t want to say it, then I’m not going to force it out of her.


While Yuuji takes a bath after his workout, Hibari finishes washing the dishes, and mumbles under her breath, “Those two beautiful girls will probably come, too… I can’t believe Yuuji-sama would welcome other girls besides me into his home…”

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