VSA – Chapter 64: The Villain’s Swimsuit Confusion. ①

Translator: Haruto.

“That’s all for today’s chores,” Hibari whispers, having finished hanging the laundry.

She’s once again completed all her tasks with time to spare. It’s not even noon yet. Hibari applies herself seriously to her duties even when Yuuji isn’t around, never once slacking.

She decides to take a short respite with a cup of barley tea, which she takes out of the fridge.

“I still can’t get used to this maid uniform.” Hibari casts a glance at the clothes she has on.

She’s not wearing her usual long-sleeved uniform, but a short-sleeved one meant to be used during the summer months.

The reason is, of course…

Hibari, it’s gotten too hot to be wearing that kind of uniform, don’t you think?

No, Yuuji-sama, I’m almost always indoors and we have air conditioning here, so I feel just fine.

Using the A/C for prolonged periods can be bad for your health, though. You mentioned you had a “summer uniform,” didn’t you? Why don’t change into that one?

Really, I don’t need—

I know what you’re going to say, but I still want you to wear it.

Okay, I suppose it’s fine if it’s you, Yuuji-sama… I must say, however, you sure came up with a clever way to see me in my underwear.

I wasn’t telling you to take your clothes off!! Stop untying your ribbon!! You’re going to give me a heart attack!

…that Yuuji told her to wear it.

Being black and white, her summer uniform has a prim and proper feeling to it. The two main things differentiating it from her other uniform are its shorter sleeves and its higher hem. Hibari’s white, delicate arms, which had remained hidden under the long sleeves, are now fully exposed, and thanks to the shorter skirt, her beautiful legs are visible as well. It’s incredible how much her natural beauty has been accentuated simply by exposing a bit more skin.

“I doubt Yuuji-sama has any interest in maid uniforms…”

Hibari assumes that Yuuji asked her to change into a new uniform simply because he was looking out for her, and that he probably didn’t have anything improper in mind when he made that request since…

Not just your face… Your body is stunning as well, so if a girl as attractive as you keeps doing more stuff to me here, my heart might not be able to take it…

…he’s the type of guy that blushes when he’s thinking about that sort of thing.

After finishing her cup of tea, Hibari stands up from her seat.

“I still have some time left before lunch, so I’ll try cleaning the apartment a bit more thoroughly.”

Scrubbing the bathroom is the first thing that comes to her mind, however, a second later her eyes wander toward Yuuji’s room.

Yuuji tends to keep his room organized, which is why Hibari doesn’t need to go into his room all that often. She normally only enters his room when she empties his trash can or in the mornings when she has to wake him up.

“It wouldn’t hurt to clean his room now and then, even if he keeps it tidy, right?”

Perhaps a little bit of dust-cleaning and vacuuming…

With that thought in mind, Hibari steps into Yuuji’s room.

“I’ve never been able to take my time looking around his room before.”

The walls of the spacious room are all white, and there’s a king-size bed and a massive TV inside, together with a bookshelf, a legless chair, and a long table that Yuuji can use to study or eat as he pleases. It is a simple and relaxing room.

Hibari moves to grab the vacuum cleaner, however—

“Hm? What’s that?”

Something is pocking out from under the bed. She stoops down and grabs it.

“This is…”


After arriving at the waterpark, we head straight to the changing rooms. Needless to say, they’re separated by sex.

Ours is packed. The moment I looked inside I couldn’t help but think, “Man, it really is summer!” while getting all emotional for some strange reason.

“It’s convenient how we guys can just wear shorts and take everything else off!” Tajima says excitedly as he finishes changing into his simple, black swim shorts.

“Huh? I could have sworn I put them here…”

Meanwhile, I have only taken my shirt off because I’m busy rummaging around in my bag.

“Hm? What’s wrong, Kasashima? You looking for something?”


And I’ll be in trouble if I can’t find them…

“By the way, where did Saeki run off to? I haven’t seen him for a while.”

“He told me he’d be swinging by the restroom before we entered the changing room.”

Come to think of it, I should have taken his bag and brought it here so that he wouldn’t have to bother with it since he’d have to come here eventually, anyway.

“Hmm… You two are as close as ever,” Tajima comments.  

“Why do you say that?”

Did anything of what I said show how close we are?

“I mean, you’re always glued to the hip at school, too. Although, it’s a mystery how you two even became friends considering the huge differences between you guys.”

In the original storyline, Yuito and I were supposed to play the roles of the protagonist and the villain respectively, so it’s no wonder he finds it strange. Had I remained the same type of villain, I would have ruthlessly bullied Yuito, set up traps, and created all sorts of problems for him. The two sisters would have then discovered what I did, and in a fit of rage, they’d have sat on me and made a complete mess of me… which is exactly why I don’t wanna go down that path…

At first, I just intended to score points with him to avoid that bad ending, but…

“Yuito’s a great person. He treats me nicely despite the awful rumors surrounding me and this intimidating face of mine. Anyone would want to be friends with a guy like that.”

Thanks to Yuito’s kindness and cheerfulness, at some point I stopped caring all that much about the main storyline or the future altogether. I simply want to spend more time with my friend.

“Yeah, I also know what a good guy Saeki is. A-And I also know you’re a nice guy, too, Kasashima,” Tajima says with a trace of embarrassment in his voice.

“It’s rare for you to say something like that, Tajima.”

“Well, um, it’s just that… I began seeing you in a completely different light after what happened at the school camp, and… I must admit that just like when we studied together… it’s not so bad being around you, dude,” he says.

“Not so bad? That’s enough for you to think I’m a good guy?”

“Oh, give me a break! I’m aware that I still don’t know you all that well because I haven’t hung out with you as much as Saeki has! But that’s also why I wanna be better friends with you, and Satojima feels the same way.”

Friends, huh… In my past life, I just naturally became friends with people after spending a ton of time with them, but hearing him declare that he wants to be my friend like that is kind of nice, too.

“I might trouble you a bunch as your friend, though?” I begin. “After all, I got a pretty menacing face and people have been spreading terrible rumors about me.”

“Ha! Who the hell cares?! I might actually be more troublesome than you!”

“Yeah, I know.”

“You were supposed to deny it!!”

This guy sure is lively, huh?  


Yuito’s taking his time in the bathroom, so I decide to send him a text letting him know that we’ll be waiting for him outside before Tajima and I leave the changing room.

“Wow! This place is freaking huge!!” Tajima shouts with his arms wide open.

I can’t blame him for being so excited. It is quite an awe-inspiring sight. The waterpark is extremely big and full of various attractions where countless visitors seem to be having the time of their lives.

“I wanna go have fun!!” says Tajima.

“The others should be here soon. Just wait patiently for now. Also, you’d better not go bothering girls just because you fell in love with them at first sight, you hear?”

“What kind of guy do you take me for?” Tajima asks, apparently offended, as he folds his arms.

Sorry, dude, but I’ve seen what an eager skirt-chaser you are…

“Yuuji-kun! Tajima-kun!” We hear a voice coming from behind.

Yuito’s here. I actually thought he’d be the last one to leave the changing rooms.

“Mahiro-san and Rina-san are not out yet, so let’s just… O-Ohhh,” I stammer in bewilderment as I turn around and see what Yuito’s wearing.  

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