VSA – Chapter 65: The Villain’s Swimsuit Confusion. ②

Translator: Haruto.

“Hm? Yuuji-kun? Why’re you staring at me like that?” Yuito asks, tilting his head in confusion as I look at his clothes from the corner of my eye.

“Oh? So this is what you like to wear at the pool, Saeki…” Tajima says.

I don’t love the fact that I’m on the same wavelength as Tajima, but Yuito’s outfit is indeed surprising. It’s not like he’s wearing some peculiar swimsuit or anything like that. What’s surprising is that he decided to wear a hoodie, hiding not only his torso but a big chunk of his swimsuit as well.

“I can’t… see your swimsuit well, Saeki… Uuugh, you’re such a tease!!” Tajima says.

“A tease?” asks Yuito.  

“Hey, don’t call him that!” I tell Tajima before hitting him lightly on the head.


Yuito’s too innocent so I don’t want Tajima saying that sort of stuff in front of him. I still remember how Yuito began taking his belt off when I tried messing with him a little back at school.  

“Yuito, are you wearing that hoodie to protect yourself from the sun?” I ask him.

“Yup! My skin is prone to sunburn, you see. It gets super red and hurts a lot, so I always try to keep a hoodie on and only take it off when I get in the pool. Ah! Don’t worry, though. I already put sunscreen in the bathroom, so I should be okay!” Yuito declares with a proud smile on his face.

Huh, he sure came prepared…

“You know, Kasashima, sometimes I feel Saeki isn’t a guy—like he’s actually a girl or something…” Tajima whispers to me.


“?” Yuito tilts his head once again seeing Tajima and I murmur to each other.

Yuito’s good-looking, however… his good appearance and some of his gestures make him appear not exactly feminine, but close.

“A femboy… Yes, that’s the word I was looking for!” Tajima says.

“A femboy? Just so you don’t get any weird ideas, he is undoubtedly a man, okay?”

“…You checked or something?”


I happened to see Yuito naked at the school camp, and well, he’s got one…

One he has… no doubt about that… he’s a femboy, all right…” Tajima mumbles with a serious look on his face.


“Quit it with the weird poems!!”

I’m afraid a new fetish is about to awake within Tajima, but well… whatever floats his boat…  

“Sorry for making you wait!”

“Here we are, Yui-kun!”

Uh-oh, the main heroines have finally entered the stage. They walk side by side towards us.

“What do you think?” Mahiro asks while putting her hand on her hips.

The swimsuit she’s wearing has different styles for the top and bottom and fits her quite well overall. Her shorts, in particular, accentuate her long and beautiful legs.

“Wow! That girl’s gorgeous… Maybe she’s a model?”

“I wanna be like her one day!”

“She’s so cool I kind of want her as my boyfriend!”

A bunch of girls have their eyes glued to Mahiro.

In games and manga targeted to men, you often see heroines with huge boobs and large butts, however, girls seem to admire a slenderer type of physique—or so I’ve been told—which is why, considering the numerous looks she’s getting from other girls, Mahiro must have what they consider to be a perfect body.

“Yui-kun, check out my swimsuit! As for you, Kasashima, you don’t have to look at it, okay? Actually, if you were so kind as to leave me out of your field of view, that’d be superb…”

“You’re asking for the impossible there…”  

Tajima, meanwhile, is trying to burn the sight into his memory.

I take a quick peek at Rina. She’s wearing a classical layered bikini with slightly different patterns on the top and bottom.  


“H-Hey… check that chick out…”

“Damn! She’s got a huge rack!”

“Ah… Someone woke up from his slumber…”

“Do not be ashamed, brother! We’re all in the same boat! It’s normal for our buddies downstairs to rise and stand tall at a time like this! It’s naught but a polite greeting!!”

…you can really find all kinds of weirdos walking around in the summer.

What caught the attention of so many men is, of course, Rina’s chest, the size of which can only be compared to two beachballs. In fact, the strings holding her bikini together appear to be on the verge of snapping. That’s how heavy her breasts seem. Not to mention, they also sway in the air at the tiniest movement of her arms.

“Your swimsuits look nice, Mahiro-chan, Rina-chan!” Yuito praises them.

That’s the protagonist for you. He knows when praise is due.

“Thank you, Yuito. I suppose we won’t get to see your swimsuit until you get in the pool, eh?” Mahiro says.

“I can’t wait to see what kind of swimsuit you’re wearing, Yui-kun! Although, any swimsuit would suit you!” says Rina.

“My swimsuit is nothing special, so maybe you should keep your expectations down…” Yuito replies.

Men’s swimsuits are usually just shorts or something similar, so there shouldn’t be any reason to get excited… but to be honest, I’m also a bit curious to see what kind of swimsuit he’s got on.

“Alright, everyone’s here already. Let’s go, shall we?” I say, looking at our little group.

I want to swim a lot today, get on all sorts of attractions, and make some nice memories too—

“Hold on, Kasashima-kun,” Mahiro says as I start walking towards the pool. “I felt something was off the moment I saw you, but I tried to convince myself I was mistaken…”

“You noticed it, too, Sis?” Rina asks.

“Ah, me too!” Yuito chimes in.

“I figured I shouldn’t say anything…” says Tajima.

They all have their eyes on me.

And on behalf of the entire group, Mahiro says, “Kasashima-kun, that’s not a swimsuit, is it?”

“…” I drop my gaze in silence.

That’s right. I’m not wearing my new swim shorts… I’m wearing jeans.

“And you’re not wearing a swimsuit underneath, are you?”

“…I’m not.”

You see, when we were in the changing room…

Huh? I could have sworn I put them here…

Hm? What’s wrong, Kasashima? You looking for something?


…I couldn’t find the swim shorts with the little sharks drawn on them that Hibari chose for me. I took in and out of my bag all the things I was going to bring today a few times to make sure I wouldn’t forget anything, and yet…

“So you forgot your swimsuit, Yuuji-kun? And that means that I won’t be able to swim with you?” Yuito turns to me with sadness in his eyes.

“D-Don’t worry!! They sell swimsuits here!! I’ll just go buy a pair of shorts real quick!”

I tell everyone else to head to the pool without me before I run to the store in a hurry.


I’ve arrived at a store inside the waterpark that sells swimsuits, beachballs, swim rings, and basically everything you need to have a nice time at the pool, however…

“Excuse me?! All the men’s swimsuits are sold out?!”

“Unfortunately, yes…”

I can’t believe it. Apparently, they don’t have men’s swimsuits anymore, and taking a quick peek around the store confirms it.

You’ve got to be kidding me! Why are dudes’ swimsuits in such demand all of a sudden?! Like, how often do people lose, tear, or get their swimsuits dirty?!

Then again, this was originally the world of a game, so it makes sense that weird stuff happens from time to time…

“On second thought… I believe we still have one more swimsuit for boys…”

“You do?! Please let me see it!”

The evidently nervous store clerk goes to the back of the store and returns a moment later, bringing… an elementary school swimsuit in her hands. School swimsuits are very elastic so I’m sure this will fit me, but just barely. It’ll be such a tight fit that I can’t even imagine how visible my bulge will be.

“This is the only one we have…”

“The only one…”

Both the store clerk and I have troubled expressions on our faces.

Well… maybe once I put it on, it won’t be that ba—

“Do you seriously want to dress like a pervert? If that’s the case, please only do it when we’re at home.”


Instantly recognizing that voice, I turn around and—



Gazing at me with a tinge of exasperation in her eyes, Hibari stands right in front of me.

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