TSS – Chapter 2: Out of the Sticks.

Translator: Haruto.

The fame of the name Alize finds its origins in the royal palaces of various kingdoms across the land. According to the royal proclamations, Alize was the name of the man that the great heroes were trying to find, but whom no one had yet been able to locate.

With time, however, people began embellishing his story as it spread like wildfire.  

Many said that he was the man who raised the great heroes, some said that he was the god who had brought them to this world, and others said that he could slay a dragon with a single strike of his sword.

The kings even announced that the heroes would grant any wish to whoever could find him, further strengthening the credibility of the rumors.

Meanwhile, the portrait that Mia the Saint drew of Alize was also making the rounds…  

Thus, before long, his name and image were in the minds of almost every individual on the continent.


Achoo! Man, it’s really gotten cold lately…” I whisper while looking at the fortified city of Arcana.

In order to get here, I’ve had to traverse the Evil Forest, a fiend-infested place where most people would never even dare step in.

The forest is shaped in the form of a circle and right at its center, a peaceful and fully isolated grass field is found. That’s where the village I used to live in is located.

Arcana is tasked with defending the human territory against the terrors of the Evil Forest. It possesses multiple anti-monster weapons and large walls that stand all around it; to say nothing of the great number of adventurers that call this city their home.

“It’s been so long since I’ve seen a crowd this big.”

I walk over to the gate and show my guild card to the guard.

Guild cards are proof of one’s identity which is why I’ve kept mine safe for so many years.

“Here you go. Can I enter now?”

“Excuse me, please let me have a closer look. Let’s see, your name is Alize, and… Wait, Alize?!”

The guard raises his eyes at me in shock, but he loses interest quickly.

“…No way he’s such an old dude…”

“Did you just call me old?”

“Ah! My apologies! It’s just that you have the same name as the man that the great heroes are trying to find…”

“The great what now?”

“You haven’t heard of the heroes?! They’re the warriors that defeated the Demon King!”

“O-Oh, yeah, those guys. Sure, I definitely know about them.”

It appears not knowing about them is considered strange around these parts, so I’ll just pretend to be aware of whatever he’s talking about.

The guard looks at me suspiciously, but it seems he doesn’t care enough to say anything else.

I’m granted permission to enter. As soon as the gate is opened, I step into the city and decide to look for some place to stay the night.

“The great heroes, huh… There really are some amazing people in this world,” I whisper to myself.

I walk down the town’s main street until my eyes fall on a peculiar poster.

“…Hm? So this is what the great Alize-sama looks like. He’s pretty handsome… Yeah, that’s definitely not me.”

It was the poster of an incredibly good-looking man.

I’m certainly not that handsome, as much as it pains me to admit it.

Haa… Whatever, let’s just find a place to rest,” I mumble.

I buy a grilled steak skewer at a street stall and continue my search, however, after walking for a while, it becomes evident that all the inns on the main street are out of my budget.

I didn’t have to spend any money while living in the village so I’ve got some saved up, but I still don’t want to squander it all away.

That’s why I decide to tour the narrower alleys of the town and search for a cheaper place to stay at.

And that’s when I hear it.


It’s the sound of a girl screaming.

“I really have a knack for getting myself involved in girls’ problems, huh,” I think before I start running toward the source of the scream.

“Alright, time to take those clothes off!”

Three guys are encircling and harassing a young girl.

Her red hair is styled into a ponytail, and she has a sprinkling of freckles on her face.

Okay, I suppose I’ll just have to rough these guys up.

“Hold it there, friends,” I say, resting my hand on the shoulder of one of them.

“W-Who the hell are you?!” he yells looking back at me, but his expression quickly turns into one of contempt.

Phew, it’s just some old dude.”

“Yeah, let’s kill the sucker and take all his money.”

“Great idea.”

These guys sure love running their mouths. There’s no way I’m letting them beat me.

One of them grabs the expensive-looking sword that’s hanging from his belt.

It’s obvious he has no idea how to wield it. I can’t help but wonder how he got his hands on it, to begin with.

“We just wanted to sell this chick off after having some fun with her, but now that you’re here, we’ve gotta kill you.”

I see. They’re planning to sell the girl to some filthy slave merchant to make a quick buck.

The memory of those girls I met fifteen years ago flashes through my mind, and anger wells up inside me.  

“…Well, sorry, but it seems I won’t be able to hold back.”

“Haha! What the hell can an old guy like you even—?!”

I lunge at the guy talking, closing the distance between us in an instant, and land a strong jab on his face that blasts him away.

I then spin my body and knock out one of his friends with a kick.


The remaining guy wets himself after seeing what happened.

That’s just gross, man.

“If you don’t want to end up like them, pick those idiots up and get lost.”

“Y-Yes, siiiiiiiir!!”

He picks his friends up from the floor and runs away in a hurry.

When I turn around to check on the girl, I see her bowing to me.

“U-Um! Thank you very much for saving me!”

“Don’t mention it. More importantly, are you hurt?”

“I’m okay, and it’s all thanks to you, Uncle!”


I’m kind of shocked to hear her call me that. It’s hard to believe I’m old enough to be called “uncle.”

“Err… I’d like to thank you for what you did. Could you please accompany me to my home?”

“…Are you sure about inviting an old guy like me into your place?”

“Of course, it’s totally fine! Now, please come with me!”

The girl takes me by the hand and drags me toward her home.

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