VSA – Chapter 10: The Villain’s Peaceful School Life?  

Translator: Haruto.

“Good morning, guys! Morning! Morning! Morning!!!”

I cheerfully greet everyone as I step into the classroom. They all scowl at me in response but I don’t care!!

“What happened to him…? He looked so gloomy yesterday…”

“Today’s happy pills must have hit him hard…”

“And, like, doesn’t he know no one will greet him back…?”

“Morning, Yuuji-kun!!”

“Oh! Hey there, Yuito!”

Only Yuito greets me back with a smile on his face. What a nice guy he is…  

“I’m sorry, Yuuji-kun. I haven’t had the chance to let everyone know how great you are…”

“Don’t worry about it. Being your friend is enough for me to have a perfectly wholesome school life!”


He puts his hand on his chest, seeming deeply moved. He’s as pure-hearted as always.



I feel an intense gaze on me. It’s filled with a strange oppressive force, so it can’t belong to a regular NPC.

I take a little peek behind Yuito and…

“…Yuito is talking to that guy again.”

“It’s the first time I’ve seen him look so happy while talking to someone other than us.”

“Well, it is nice that he’s made a new friend, don’t you think?”

“You’re right, Sis. A new male friend…”  

“Yes, a new male friend… I believe our duty is to watch over them the best we can.”

They’re saying such nice things, and yet, they’re not smiling at all. Meanwhile, Yuito seems completely unaware of what’s going on behind him.

“Ah! Homeroom is about to start. Talk to you later, Yuuji-kun!”


He returns to his seat near the two sisters and they strike up a conversation with him right away.  

Yup, this is how it should be. I’ll just keep being Yuito’s friend while staying away from those two.

That’s the solution to all my problems!

When the bell rings to indicate the end of the fourth period, I start massaging my stiff shoulders, until…

“Yuuji-kun, let’s eat lunch together!”

Yuito comes over to my desk with a lunchbox in his hands.

“You want to eat with me?”

“Of course! You’re my friend!”

It makes me happy to hear him say that, but…

“Why don’t you eat with the beautiful sisters—I mean, the Sumino sisters? You guys are really close, right?”

“It’s okay! I already told them I’d be eating with you!”


…Will it really be okay? The two sisters might be pissed if I take Yuito away from…

Nah, I’m just overthinking it. I doubt those Yandere sisters will care if I spend time with him or not since I’m a guy. I bet they only get jealous when girls try to approach him.  

Just in case, I take a look around the classroom, but the two sisters are nowhere to be seen. They must have gone to the cafeteria.  

“Alright, let’s eat together.”

“Yup! Did you bring a lunchbox, too?”


I take out the lunch that Hibari made for me.

When I peeked into the kitchen this morning, I found Hibari putting a bunch of different dishes into a multi-layered lunchbox and I had to stop her in a hurry. She even tried to pack some excessively fancy things like truffles and oysters.  

While my appearance is that of the spoiled Kasashima Yuuji, I’m still just a regular guy inside. I’m not used to carrying a multi-layered lunchbox around or eating expensive stuff, and more importantly, I don’t want to stand out at school, even if it’s hard to pull that off with this face of mine.

“Great! I’ve got mine right here! Ah… Do you mind if I leave for a sec to buy some tea?”

“Go for it. I’ll be waiting right here. Make sure not to run, though. I don’t want you getting hurt out there.”

“Hey! I’m not that much of a klutz, okay?! I’ll be right back, then.”

I breathe a small sigh of relief after Yuito exits the classroom.

To think I’d get to enjoy lunch with a friend… My peaceful school life is finally here.  

“Hey, you.”

“Hm? Ah…”

I look up with a big smile on my face, only to find the older of the two sisters, Mahiro, standing in front of me.

“What do you say we have a little chat?”  


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