VSA – Chapter 9: Nice to Meet You. I Swear I’m Not a Bad Guy.  

Translator: Haruto.

“I can’t stand waking up like this.”

I didn’t have a nightmare this time.

I just don’t enjoy waking up so early.

The sunlight blinds my eyes as soon as I open the curtains.

…A new day begins.

“Good morning, Yuuji-sama.”

“Morning… Say, Hibari…”


“Can you come up with an excuse so that I can ditch school today?”

“You don’t want to go to school?”

“I don’t and I promise there’s a good reason for it…”

I’ll talk to my best friends, Mahiro-chan and Rina-chan, about you!

Last night, I met the protagonist by chance at the store, and with a huge smile on his face, he said something I wish I had never heard. His kindness is a menace… From the looks of it, he’ll try to introduce me to those two today.

I haven’t finished maxing out the MC’s friendship bar, though. So, I’d still like to keep my distance from them.

“Please, Hibari, come up with some good excuse for me.”

“That’d be a pain in the butt so please just go to school.”

“Aw, come on, don’t be like that! You look pretty smart; I’m sure you can think of something!”

“Even if I did, I’m certain it wouldn’t be beneficial to you in the long run.”

“How come?”

“Since you have such a menacing face, if you were to skip a day of school, people would think, “Told ya! That guy is a delinquent! Let’s just stay the heck away from him!” or something of the sort. The next day, they’d look at you coldly, and in the end, you’d be condemned to a life of loneliness for the next three years—”

“Aaaaaahhh!! I can definitely see that happening! Okay, I got it! Just stop!!”

Hibari is right. If I don’t go to school, I’ll be able to avoid dealing with the two sisters, but it’ll also harm my reputation. After all, no matter what we do, people always think the worst of us villains.

“I’ll go get the limousine ready.”

“Huh? I can just walk there, though. The entrance ceremony was a special occasion. You don’t have to be so protective of me anymore, you know?”


Hibari stared at me for a couple of seconds and then left the room without saying a word.

“She just ignored me?! Does she want to drive that badly…?”

Girls are a mystery to me…

“Have a good day, Yuuji-sama.”

“Yeah, thanks… Haa…”

After a quick ride on the limousine, I arrive at school.

It’s the second day of my school life. For some reason, my feet feel kinda heavy today…

“Wow, that guy arrived on a freaking limousine again…”

“He just wants to show off how loaded he is… I bet he thinks that money is everything in life.”

I can hear a few people badmouthing me.

That’s just what it means to be the villain, I guess.



A familiar voice reaches me from behind. I keep walking, pretending not to have heard him, but he soon catches up to me.

“Morning, Yuuji-kun!”

“Y-Yeah, morning, Yuito…”

“Uuuhh!! Hehe! I can’t believe we’re actually friends! I couldn’t sleep a wink last night because of how happy I was!”

“Is… that so…?”


His innocent smile is too bright. On the other side of the coin, the two sisters exude pure darkness as they stand near him…

You know, he’s so pure-hearted and trusting that I’m this close to believing he’s the real main heroine…



I take a peek at the two girls behind him and end up gulping without thinking.

…Here they come…

“Yuito, you shouldn’t run off on your own.”

“My sis is right, Yui-kun. It’s not good to leave girls behind.”

“S-Sorry, Mahiro-chan, Rina-chan.”

The two beautiful sisters…

The people who sat on the game’s villain, Kasashima Yuuji, and abused him until he ran out of strength…

I must say, though…

“Still, you looked kind of cool sprinting like that.”

“Yui-kun always looks cool!”

They’re even more beautiful up close, and I also smell a nice fragrance coming from them… They’re as close to the MC as ever, though. I feel like I’m about to throw up some sugar again…

“…And, who is he?”

“…He’s in our way…”


Two sets of eyes look coldly at me. I can’t even utter a single word.

B-But, hey, you three are the ones who got in my way today!

Just leave it to me, Yuuji-kun!


Yuito makes eye contact with me.

“Let me introduce him! He’s my new friend, Kasashima Yuuji-kun!”

In contrast to Yuito’s cheerful demeanor, a dark atmosphere sets between the two sisters and me. I guess I have to try lightening up the mood somehow…

“N-Nice to meet you. I swear I’m not a bad guy!”

“Yuuji-kun may seem a little scary but he’s super kind—”

“I don’t care.”


“Me neither.”


The MC looks baffled by their blatant disinterest. They take him by the arm and pull him away.

“W-Wait, guys! I-I’m so sorry, Yuuji-kun! We’ll talk again some other time!”


I got pretty nervous for a second there but, thankfully, it all ended in the blink of an eye…

Now that I think about it, it’s normal for those two to have zero interest in me. They only really care about the MC, after all.

Or to put it a different way, other than treating me coldly, they won’t do anything to me…

“Thank goodness!!”

Those two won’t bother me as long as I just focus on maxing out the MC’s friendship bar!!

“Heck yeaaaaaaaaaah!!!”

Unable to restrain my joy, I end up breaking into a sprint.

My feet feel so light! I’ll never think about ditching school again!

“Hey, look at him. He just yelled and started running out of nowhere.”

“He must be high.”

Quick announcement:

I started a new project. Here it is if you want to check it out:

Ten Years After the Slaves I Picked Up Left on a Journey, I Somehow Became a Legend.

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