VSA – Chapter 11: “My Yuito Is Freaking Adorable! Haaahh!”  

Translator: Haruto.

This is a triple release (Ch11-13).

Sumino Mahiro.

She’s got black hair styled into a wolf cut, blue eyes, long, slender legs, and a beautiful face.

She appears to be a perfect and well-behaved student, however, she’s actually a Yandere, capable of doing anything for the guy she likes.

More importantly, though, why the heck is one of the main heroines approaching me when I’m just trying to lead a chill life away from them? Is the game punishing me for not playing my role as the villain by bringing them even closer to me or something?

“You look awfully annoyed.”

Of course I do. I don’t wanna have anything to do with the girls that sat on me, abused me until I ran out of strength, and beat me to a pulp in a different timeline.

“There are too many people here and I don’t want to draw unnecessary attention, so how about we go somewhere else?”


“Stop making that what-a-pain-in-the-ass expression and come with me already. I’m sure you don’t want us to chat here either.”


Considering how my classmates think of me as a scary, evil guy, if I were to say the wrong thing in front of them, their opinion of me would drop even further.

I leave the classroom with her, somewhat reluctantly, and she takes me to a deserted spot in one of the staircases.  

“So, what do you wanna talk about with me…?”

“I have a question for you.”

And so it begins…

Mahiro is crossing her arms with a serious expression on her face… I guess she’s mad that I borrowed Yuito today…?

I gulp nervously and—

“What do you think of my Yuito?”

“Wha-?” I respond, confused by her unexpected question. Also, her Yuito? She really is possessive, huh?

“Didn’t you hear me? I asked you what you think of—”

“N-No, I heard you. I heard you loud and clear.”

“Good. What’s your answer, then?”

“He’s a nice guy… I think so anyway.”

“I see…”

I answered her honestly, but why in the world is she even asking me this?

“Hehe… Hehehe!”

“W-What’s the matter?”

She started laughing all of a sudden.

“I know… I know, right?! My Yuito is freaking adorable! Haaahh!


I never called him adorable, you know?

Mahiro’s got her hands on her cheeks and her eyes are filled with emotion. There’s no doubt that she’s picturing the guy she likes.

“Yuito is adorable! He’s the cutest!”  

“If you say so…”  

I’d love to erase this scene from my memory.

I must say, though, I didn’t expect Mahiro to just start fangirling in front of me… Perhaps the game bugged out after I became Yuito’s friend instead of his bully.

“Yuito looks really adorable when he’s talking to you. I’d like you to take a couple of pictures of—”

“Hm? What are you doing here, Yuuji-kun? Wait, Mahiro-chan is here, too?”

Yuito runs into us on his way back from buying tea.

Hold on. What was Mahiro about to say a moment—

“Hey, Yuito! You’re as adorable—I mean, you’re as cool as always!”

“T-Thanks! Will you eat with us, Mahiro-chan?”

“No, I’ll pass. I just wanted to say hi to your new friend.”


This girl is lying through her teeth. She was fangirling about Yuito just a second ago.

“Yuito, even if you’ve gotten such a nice friend, I’d still like you to hang out with me from time to time. If you don’t, I might end up dying of sadness, okay?”

“You sure love to exaggerate, Mahiro-chan.”

Nope, she’s totally not exaggerating…

“See you later.”

Mahiro begins to climb the stairs. As I watch her leave, I can’t help but think about how strangely dashing she looks. I breathe a sigh of relief once she’s out of sight.

“Mahiro-chan is a really nice girl, isn’t she?”


A nice girl? I don’t know about that… She certainly likes you quite a bit, though.

“Say, Yuito, who made your lunch today?”

“Rina-chan. She handed it to me this morning!”

“…Man, you sure are loved.”


When the older sister Mahiro returns, she finds her little sister eating her lunch already.

“Huh, you really went to see him, Sis?”

“I needed to make sure that he wasn’t in love with Yuito.”

“How do you even ‘make sure’ of that? Wasn’t it obvious since they’re both guys and all?”


“W-Wait, why aren’t you saying anything? Do guys also like Yui—”

“Love can come in all shapes and sizes.”


“I doubt we have to worry about him all that much, though. They seem to be nothing more than friends.”

“I don’t even care about him, to begin with.”

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