VSA – Chapter 12:  The Villain Overlooks the Signs.    

Translator: Haruto.

This is a triple release (Ch11-13).

Here’s chapter 11.

“A-Alright, today’s the day…”

“Yeah, but like, I don’t think approaching them as a group is a good idea. How about we take turns…?”  

“What? You just want to get a head start!”

Classes have ended for the day, but things are still kind of rowdy in the classroom.

The popular kids are whispering to each other while throwing glances at the two beautiful sisters.

According to Yuito, the three of them chose not to attend the welcoming party. And it seems that after they rejected the invitation, the whole party was canceled.

However, despite such a clear rejection, the popular guys haven’t given up yet…

“I think we shouldn’t ask the two of them out at the same time.”

“Y-You’re right. It’d probably be simpler to only invite Rina-chan…”

“Yeah, she looks easy…”

Those guys sure are rude and superficial.

As for the two sisters…

“Uh-oh, it’s gotten kind of late. I need to meet with the student council’s adviser.”

“They invited you to join already, Sis? Well, it’s no surprise considering you got the highest score on the entrance exam.”

“I’ll decline their offer, though.”

“You will? Then, why are you even going?”

“I need to refuse politely so that I can leave a good impression on them.”

“Aah, right, that thing about being a perfect student or whatever… See you later!”

As soon as Mahiro steps out of the classroom, the popular guys make their move.


“Hmm? What is it?”

“D-Do you wanna hang out with us today?”

“We’ll go wherever you want!”

“I’ll pay!”

“Hmm, I don’t know…”


The popular guys gulp nervously and stare at Rina—I mean, at her big, jiggling boobs.

Rina waits for them to get their hopes up, before answering with a devilish smile, “The thing is, I’ll be super busy for the next 12 months!”

“We’re screwed then!”  

“Another failure…”

“Yup, sorry. It’s never going to happen.”

She sure knows how to turn someone down.

I chuckle until I see Yuito go through the door and make eye contact with him… Ah, he’s coming this way.

“Let’s go home together, Yuuji-kun!”

I kind of knew he’d ask me to walk home together, but, unfortunately…

“Sorry, someone will come to pick me up.”

I’m really sorry. My maid doesn’t let me go home on my own for some reason.

“I see… Can we at least walk to the gate together, then?”


“Oh, thank you!”

The protagonist sticks to me like glue.

I take a little glance at Rina, who’s standing behind him.

“Yui-kun is talking to that guy again…”

She’s mumbling something.

“Looks like someone’s got her eyes on us.”

“Hm? Ah, Rina-chan! I’ll walk to the gate with Yuuji-kun, okay?”


Rina waves at us while smiling. It’s as if she’s telling me, “Okay, you can have him for now.”

I’m a little surprised. I assumed she’d try to intervene. Her smile is still pretty scary, though.

As we’re about to leave the classroom, I throw another glance at Rina and I see her mumbling something again, but hey, it’s not like I can worry about every little thing.

“Sorry for turning you down like that, Yuito. I wanted to walk to school and back home today, but my maid just wouldn’t take a no for an answer.”

Actually, that’s not quite right. She just ignored me completely.

“She probably wants to stay close to you.”

“You think?”

“Yup! I bet she likes spending time with you as much as I do!”

Hmm, that Hibari…?


Mwack, lick lick lick lick, pwahhhh!


I kind of doubt that.

“Ah! Is that your maid?”

I follow Yuito’s eyes and I see Hibari waiting in front of the school gate.

“Oh? You’re not by yourself today, Yuuji-sama?”

“Yeah, thankfully.”

“H-Hello! My name is Yuito and I’m Yuuji-kun’s friend!”

“His friend…”

“Haha. Are you surprised or something?”

“Yes. Especially after you whined and whined about not wanting to go to school… But well, I’m just glad you’ve said goodbye to your lonely life.”

“You didn’t have to mention that!”

It’s embarrassing…!

Still, I got to hang out with Yuito and enjoy my school life because she convinced me to go to school, so I do feel grateful to her.

“Yuito-sama, I’m Yuuji-sama’s personal maid and my name is Hibari.”

“Hibari-san, I see. It’s nice to meet you.”

Hibari’s expression remains as serious as always.

“I’ll be taking my leave now. See you tomorrow, Yuuji-kun!”


Yuito runs off somewhere. Ah, shoot, I should have asked him if he wanted a ride.

“He seems like a good person.”

“Oh, you got a little crush on him or something?

“No, I was just thinking that only a good person would accept to be the friend of someone as scary-looking as you, Yuuji-sama.”

“That’s what you were thinking?!”

I know it’s true, but still…!

“By the way, Yuuji-sama…”

Hibari gets close to me and whispers in my ear, “How much did you pay him?”

“You really are rude, you know that?! He’s my real friend!”


“So Yuito left with that guy?” Mahiro asks her sister after she returns to the classroom and sees that Yuito’s bag is gone.


“Oh? Are you finally getting worried?”

“Yeah… I guess…”

“I thought you didn’t care about him.”

“I don’t… I just want Yui-kun to not care about him either…”

“Wow. You’re scaring me now. Just don’t take it too far, okay?”

“Yeah, sure… Hehe…”

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