VSA – Chapter 13: It Looks Like the Villain Won’t Be Able to Take It Easy on His Day Off.

Translator: Haruto.

This is a triple release (Ch11-13).

Here’s chapter 11.

“Aah?! So briiiiiiight!!”

I wake up suddenly and my eyes are blinded by some light for at least three seconds. I really can’t have a nice morning, huh?

I curl up like a caterpillar to avoid the light. I also caught the sound of the curtains opening a moment ago so I guess Hibari must have come into the room.

“Good morning, Yuuji-sama.”

“What is it, Hibari…?”

“The sun has risen, so I’ve come to wake you up.”

“Ah! Am I late for school or something?!”

“Today’s Saturday. You don’t have to go to school.”

“Then there was no need to wake me up…”

“Are you going to waste your entire day sleeping?”

“I guess you’ve got a point there.”

I get off my bed swiftly.

There’s no way I’ll spend my first day off from school in the world of a game sleeping!!

“Alright, I’ll go take a walk around town!”

“I believe you meant to say, ‘I’m gonna pick up some chicks!’?”

“…You always say whatever’s in your mind without hesitation, huh.”

“Ah, that was rude of me. I hope you have fun today.”

She’s been teasing me a lot lately, but it’s better than being treated coldly.

“Now then, where should I go?”

I get downtown by myself.

I’ve only seen this place through a monitor so I might get lost but I can just call Hibari to pick me up if that happens.

Now that I think about it, she didn’t insist on driving me this time…

“I skipped breakfast so I’ll start by looking for a nice place to grab a bite…”

I take my phone out and start searching for a restaurant, until…

“I told you I’m waiting for someone. If you keep this up, I’ll have to kick you in the jewels, okay?”


Hearing that oh-so-familiar voice, my feet stop moving.

“I-It can’t be her… I must have imagined it.”

I resume my walk.

“Or is it perhaps that you won’t understand unless I call them balls?”

And my feet stop moving again. Yeah, it’s definitely her—the girl that saw me off at my apartment’s door.

…What should I do? I can’t just pretend I didn’t notice her.

“Come on now, Miss. A pretty face like you shouldn’t say such vulgar things.”


A blond, sleazy-looking guy is trying to flirt with Hibari. He seems old enough to be in college.

Hibari is wearing a set of regular clothes instead of her maid uniform. Her mature outfit and loose curly hair accentuate her feminine charms.

Anyone would feel the urge to ask her out… although, it’s kind of hard for me to think of her that way since I know how she usually acts.

“It won’t take long, I promise. I just wanna spend five minutes enjoying some nice tea with you.”

There’s no way you can do that in five minutes, and even if you could, it’d be kind of rude toward the people that served you that tea.  


Hibari is trying to walk past him in silence while keeping the same serious look on her face… I can tell she’s starting to get mad, though.

Things might get ugly if I don’t do something—

“Hey, Miss! Don’t ignore—Ghaa?!”


Even I ended up shrieking in shock and covering my crotch with my hands to hide my family jewels.

Hibari just kicked the guy down there as hard as she could.

“Should I cut them next?”

Cut?! You don’t mean…!

The guy puts his hands over his crotch and falls to his knees while Hibari looks down at him coldly.

Unable to endure it any longer, he screams, “Eeeek!! I’m sorry for troubling you!”

And runs off as fast as his legs can carry him.

“That was freaking scary… Ah.”

Hibari and I make eye contact, and she walks over to me.

“You’re late, Yuuji-sama.”

“We never said we’d be meeting here!”

Also, I left home like 15 minutes ago. How the heck did you get here so fast?! No, wait, how did you even know where I was?!

“I put a GPS tracker on your phone.”

“Don’t read my mind! And a GPS tracker, you say?!”

“Your father ordered me to do so.”

Ah, right. The game did mention that Yuuji’s parents treat him like a nuisance and a problem, so…

“You came to keep an eye on me? Haa… I guess they really don’t trust me, huh…”

“Yes, I suppose that would have been my mission if you hadn’t changed so much…”

“Hm? So that’s not why you’re here?”  


She isn’t saying anything. I’m getting a sense of déjà vu…

I bet she likes spending time with you as much as I do!

I’m reminded of Yuito’s words for some reason.

Nah, no way… right?



Do you want to spend more time with me?  

I felt like asking her that but I stopped myself.

It’s not like I can just leave her behind, though.

“Let’s hang out.”

“Yes, let’s.”

We walk side by side.

“I think neither of us has had breakfast yet, so let’s go get something to eat first, and we can decide where to go after that.”

“Good idea.”



“That outfit… It suits you well.”

My grandma used to say that I should always compliment girls on their outfits.

“Thank you very much.”

But well, there’s no way I’ll get much of a reaction from her with just a little compliment.

Perhaps I should have thought of something better…

However, when I take a peek at Hibari walking beside me, I get the impression that she’s blushing slightly and that, for a brief second, the corners of her mouth curved into a smile… Perhaps it was just my imagination playing tricks on me, but if it wasn’t, I’m glad she liked what I said.

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