VSA – Chapter 20: Forming Groups with the Villain.

Translator: Haruto.

This is a mass release (Ch20-23).

Volume 2:
The Villain Doesn’t Have It Easy.


I’m woken up by a rather mechanical shaking sensation. I open my eyes slowly and…

“Good morning, Yuuji-sama.”

“Yeah, morning… Hibari…”

“Your breakfast is ready.”


I get up and stretch my arms out to shake off my sleepiness.

Hibari has been waking me up more often lately. I feel like the luckiest guy in the world for being woken up by such a beautiful maid. Everything would be perfect were it not for one little detail…

“Do you think you’ll receive more information today regarding the school camp?”

My body freezes when I hear Hibari’s question.

“…Honestly, Hibari…”


“You know I’m still trying to avoid facing reality so can you not bring that up so carelessly?!”

Every time Hibari wakes me up, I just know there’s some kind of special event waiting for me that day. I’m starting to doubt it’s just a coincidence.

“I don’t wanna go!!” I exclaim, rolling around on my bed.

“I can’t understand why you don’t want to attend the school camp, Yuuji-sama. You’re not a loner anymore, remember?”

“Yeah, I know, but the problem is that the two beautiful sisters follow Yuito around wherever he goes…”

Knowing Yuito’s two biggest fangirls, they’re bound to do something crazy during the school camp. And yet, they won’t be the only threat this time. I’ll also have to watch out for a bunch of other troublesome stuff!

“…Beautiful sisters?” Hibari whispers for some reason while I’m holding my head in my hands.

“Huh? Ah! It’s nothing! Forget I ever said anything!! I’m going to freshen up!” I parry the question the best I can and leave my room in a hurry.

Hibari has only met Yuito so far. She’s got no idea who the two sisters are, and to be honest, I’d like to keep it that way. I mean, not even I want to have anything to do with them.

“Is Yuuji-sama… interested in those girls?”


“Alright, that’s all the information you guys need to remember concerning the school camp. It’ll only be a two-day trip but that should be more than enough time to get to know your classmates better. Leave your shyness behind and give it your best!” Our teacher, Mr. Takebayashi, encourages us.

I feel like he was looking at me when he said that last bit. He probably wants me to try getting closer to the rest of the class since Yuito is the only one I chat with at the moment.

“By the way, my birthday falls on the same day as the start of the camp, so if you guys would like to do something for me you should probably start planning now.”

“You totally want us to get you a present!”

“Oops. Was it that obvious?”

The class erupts in cheerful laughter. It’s nice to have a homeroom teacher with a good sense of humor.

“We’re supposed to spend the remaining time forming groups, but I think I’m just going to let you guys choose your groups for yourselves.”

Agreeing with the idea, people jump off their seats and move all over the classroom.

Each group must be composed of four members. I can see that some people have grouped up already.

As for me, I haven’t moved at all. I’m just gazing at my classmates as they rush all around the place. After all, I’m sure they wouldn’t know how to react if I were to leave my spot.

And more importantly…


I’ve got Yuito. With him around, I’m never going to be left out.

“Let’s form a group with Mahiro-chan and Rina-chan!”


Haha! Of course, the two sisters would tag along! It shouldn’t be a surprise, but you know…!  

Yuito and the sisters come over to my desk. I can’t help but feel nervous seeing those two walk toward me, but I still need to keep my cool.

“Thanks for inviting me into your group, Yuito.”

“I wanted to be in the same group as you during camp, Yuuji-kun!”



His smile is as pure and radiant as ever. My imagination may be playing tricks on me but I’m starting to see him as a shiba inu with sparkling eyes and a wagging tail.

“Since you didn’t even leave your seat, I assume you expected Yuito to invite you into our group?”

“I know you’re Yui-kun’s friend and all, but isn’t that a little conceited of you?”

It’s obvious these two don’t enjoy my presence. They must consider me a hindrance to their lovey-dovey time together.

I decide to refrain from joining their group after all, but then…

“Well, you should be able to make Yuito smile, so… I guess it’s fine.”

“Same here. I’m sure you won’t get in our way. Although, our time with Yui-kun will decrease a little.”

“…Damn, thanks for being so kind and accepting…”

“Let’s not fight, guys.”

Because of the four-member rule, they would have had to let someone in anyways. I just happened to fit the bill.

I laugh bitterly at the thought of having to watch them flirt around during camp, until…

“Hold a second!!”


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