VSA – Chapter 4: Just Watching Over the Beautiful Sisters and the Protagonist Like a Good Villain.

Translator: Haruto.

“Hyaaa! Mahiro-sama!!”

“Please look at me!!”

Girls scream in excitement at the sight of the older sister, Sumino Mahiro, so loudly that I worry the neighbors are going to complain. The reason why they know her by name already, even though classes haven’t even started, is that she’s actually an amateur model. She only started modeling about a month ago, though.

She’s got black hair styled into a wolf cut, blue eyes, long, slender legs, and a beautiful face. She’s also at the top of her class and quite talented at sports. In the game, she received the epithet of “The School’s Prince” and had countless fangirls.

“Haha! You guys sure are lively this morning!”

With a soft smile on her face, she waves back to the crowd just like a real prince would.

She’s so perfect no one dares say anything bad about her. It must be nice living on easy mode…

“Just look at those curves!”

“Man, she’s so sexy!”

“Crap, it’s too early to get a boner!”

Now, let’s talk about the other one, the target of all the boys’ lecherous looks, Sumino Rina, whose dark brown hair is styled into twin tails and whose eyes are also blue. Her bountiful breasts easily stand out from under her uniform, to the point that the buttons on her shirt look like they’re about burst open at any given moment. It’s a mystery how they’ve grown so much before the school year has even started.

“Ahaha! Just look at them! It’s like their brains have clocked out and moved downstairs!”

Heroines like her that don’t mind telling dirty jokes with devilish smiles plastered on their faces are the best.

Heaps of students gather around to get a glimpse of the two sisters but they never get in the girls’ way. They open a pathway for them as though that was the most natural thing in the world.

“What else could you expect of the main heroines? They’ve got an aura about them…”

They’re infinitely more impressive compared to their in-game counterparts.

And so, these are our two main heroines: A charming and elegant girl, and her devilish and seductive younger sister.

However, Eroge are not just about the heroines, am I right? And seeing how this is the world of an Eroge, I believe there’s one special cast member missing. You’ve guessed it. The lucky bastard who, for some strange reason, has gained the favor of the heroines: The protagonist.

Seeing him walking ahead, the two girls run to catch up with him.



“Huh?! Mahiro-chan and Rina-chan?!”

Caught by surprise, the protagonist lets out a gasp and turns around to face the two girls. According to the game, they’ve been friends since middle school.

“W-What are you two doing here?!”

“That’s a strange thing to ask.”

“I know, right? Yui-kun, are you a dummy or something? We are obviously going to attend this school, too!”

“Whaaat?!” the protagonist yells in surprise, “I didn’t know we were going to attend the same school!”

“Quite a coincidence, huh.”

“Yup! A strange stroke of luck!”

Spoiler alert: It was not a coincidence. They looked up the school that the protagonist was going to attend, and enrolled here without saying a word to him.

“I see, so we’re going to be in the same school again! I’m so glad I get to be with people I know,” the protagonist says, smiling innocently while being completely ignorant of what’s actually going on.

“…You’re adorable, Yuito.”

“…You’re so cute, Yui-kun.”

“Did you say something just now?”

“We didn’t.”


“Is that so?”

As I believe you may have noticed, this guy is your good ol’ dense-as-a-rock protagonist.

“Hey, who the heck is that guy and why is he being so friendly with Mahiro-sama…?”

“That asshole! He gets to feel the boobs of such a cute girl pressed against him! Why can’t that be me?!”

In contrast to the little group’s joyful chat, the people around them are full of jealousy and questions.

Noticing this, the protagonist looks nervously about him, and says, “Um, I hope you enjoy the entrance ceremony! Now then, I’ve got somewhere to be, so…”

Wow. You suck at lying, my dude.

“Hey, where do you think you’re going without us, Yuito?”

“Yeah, you’re not leaving us behind!”

The two beautiful sisters grab hold of both of his arms and it’s obvious they don’t plan on letting him go anytime soon. It’s your typical one-guy-with-a-beautiful-girl-in-each-arm cliché.

“E-Err, guys…?!”

“Don’t you run away from us, Yuito.”

“But, like, someone like me being around you two is…”

“There’s nothing strange about you hanging out with us. We’ve been friends since middle school, remember?”

“T-That’s true, I guess…”

Being pressured from both boobs—I mean, sides, the protagonist is incapable of arguing with them.

“Great, let’s go then. Since your parents and ours haven’t arrived yet, we need to stick together to at least feel a little less lonely, don’t you think?”

“I don’t really feel lonely or anything, though… Wait, hold on a second. How do you know my parents haven’t arrived?”

“Uh-oh, I said too much.”

“Don’t sweat the little details, Yui-kun. The point is, we want to attend the entrance ceremony with you. Is that wrong…?”

“Of course not, but…”

“Awesome! Thank you, Yui-kun. You’re so kind!”

And just like that, they go on their way. All the students who bared witness to what just transpired come to the same conclusion: Those three were totally flirting.

My fellow loners fall one by one to their knees; the damage was far too great to endure.

I also came really close to losing it watching the three of them flirt around without a care in the world.

…Although, to be honest, I also approve of it. I want those three to keep getting along, without any interference.

The villain who was supposed to mess with their relationship has decided to just lay back and relax.

“I’ve just got to stay the hell away from those beautiful sisters…”

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