VSA – Chapter 2: Let’s Say the Villain has a Beautiful Maid.

Translator: Haruto.

Kasashima Yuuji.

A spoiled guy from an affluent family of renowned manufacturers who thinks that money can buy everything.

In the original storyline, he surrounded himself with women by enticing them with his fat wallet and even hired delinquents to harass the protagonist. In a word, he was your textbook villain.  

And well, I’ve now been reincarnated as that same Kasashima Yuuji, and today is the day prior to the entrance ceremony.

I open the curtains, but it’s still dark outside. It’s 7 o’clock in the morning.

Around this time tomorrow, I’ll be getting ready for the entrance ceremony.

“The game doesn’t mention Yuuji’s middle school years, so I don’t how he was back then, but they did say that he changed once he entered high school… Crap, apart from his terrible ending, I can’t really remember all that much about him.”

Most people care little about the bad guy, so games don’t usually expand their stories more than necessary.

Oh well, now that I’ve taken over this body, I’ll do my best to avoid putting myself in danger!

“I must say, though… this place is so clean, not to mention huge.”

From what I remember, Yuuji lived by himself in a fairly big, luxury apartment. Everything in here is surprisingly neat even though he used to waste his money buying heaps of expensive stuff. I guess it’s all hidden inside his closet and drawers.

Curious, I decided to take a look inside later. First, though, I need to make a quick visit to the bathroom.



As I open the door, I’m startled by the sight of another person.

“I came to inform you that your meal is ready.”

“T-Thank you…”

I take a good look at her.

She’s a beautiful girl wearing a maid uniform. I suppose she’s Yuuji’s personal maid. Man, this is the first time I see a maid outside of movies and things like that…

Her smooth, black hair is neatly cut down to her shoulders. Her face is rather small, with well-defined contours. She has a straight nose, big eyes, and pink lips. She is, without a doubt, a beauty.



Having such a beautiful maid stare up at me makes my heart skip a beat and my voice cracks.

“I also received a message stating that your dear father and mother won’t be able to attend the ceremony due to how busy they are.”

“Ah, is that so…”

“Hm? Yuuji-sama, you seem awfully shy today. Are you feeling sick, perhaps?”


I’m acting like a total wimp because of my zero experience with women and her incredibly good looks.

But, remember, I’m not that timid guy who was addicted to eroge anymore. I’m now the game’s villain, Kasashima Yuuji; I’m supposed to be the kind of guy that does as he pleases and always gets what he wants.

“W-What are you talking about?! I’m totally fine, you hear?!”

“If you say so.”

I’m sorry! I’m sorry for yelling at such a cutie!

“I’ll excuse myself then.”

After a small bow, she begins to walk away.

As I look at her from behind, an idea crosses my mind: She’ll be taking care of me from now on, so the least I can do is show some appreciation. The problem is, Yuuji would hardly do something like that, and I don’t want her to suspect something is wrong if I start acting completely different all of a sudden…

On that note, I need to choose my words carefully and try to imitate Yuuji the best I can…

“Hey, Maid.”

“Yes? How may I help you, Yuuji-sama?”

Ahem… Thanks for everything, I guess. Keep taking good care of me, will ya?”


She turns around and walks on swiftly.

“H-Huh? Did she get mad or something?”

I’d better learn how to treat girls properly fast or I’ll be heading straight to the bad ending!  

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